पट् cl. 1. P. पटति, to go, move, [Dhātup. ix, 9] ; to flow (pf. पपाट), [Śiś. vi, 72] ; to split, open, burst asunder (intr.), [Hcar.] ; cl. 10. or Caus. पटयति, to string together, wrap (ग्रन्थे, or वेष्टने; cf. पट), [Dhātup. xxxv, 5] ; पाटयति, to speak or shine, [Dhātup. xxxiii, 79] ; °ति or ([MBh.] ) °ते, to split, burst (trans.), cleave, tear, pierce, break, pluck out, remove, [Up.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] &c.: Pass. पात्यते, to split, burst, open (intr.), [Suśr.]