प्र-मुख mfn. mfn. turning the face towards, facing (
acc. ),
[R.] first, foremost, chief, principal, most excellent,
[Hit.] प्रीति-प्° f. (generally
ifc. ;
f(आ). ) having as foremost or chief, headed or preceded by, accompanied by or with ([
cf. ;
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] honourable, respectable,
[L.] प्र-मुख m. m. a chief, respectable man, sage,
[W.] a heap, multitude,
[L.] Rottleria Tinctoria,
[L.] प्र-मुख n. n. the mouth,
[MW.] commencement (of a chapter),
[BṛĀrUp.] ;
[Śaṃk.] time being, the present, the same time,
[Pratāp.] प्र-मुख n. n. (
ibc. or
°खेind.) before the face of, in front of, before, opposite to (with
gen. or
comp. ),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] प्र-मुख n. n. (with √
कृ) to cause to go before or precede,