भाजन n. n. (fr. Caus. ) sharing, division (in arithm. ), [Col.] भाजन mfn. mf(आ)n. (ifc. ) sharing or participating in, entitled or relating or belonging to, [Br.] &c. &c. भाजन n. n. ‘partaker of’, a recipient, receptacle, (esp. ) a vessel, pot, plate, cup, &c., [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. भाजन f. n. (with gen. or ifc. with f(आ). ), a place or person in which anything is collected or in whom any quality is conspicuous, any fit object or clever or deserving person, ib. (cf. पात्र) भाजन n. n. the act of representing, representation (°नेनind. with gen. in the place of; ifc. a representative, deputy, substitute, serving for, equivalent to), [Br.] ; [GṛS.] भाजन n. n. a partic. measure (= an आढक= 14 पलs), [ŚārṅgS.] भाजन m. m.N. of a man भाजन m. m. pl. his descendants g. बिदा-दि.