Dictionaries | References


   { mahat }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : महान, महानता, महत्व, सर्वोत्तम, महत् उपनिषद्


महत् n.  कश्यपकुलोत्पन्न एक गोत्रकार ।
महत् II. n.  (स्वा.नाभि.) एक राजा. जो विष्णु के अनुसार विराट राजा का पुत्र था ।
महत् III. n.  अमिताभ देवों में से एक ।
महत् IV. n.  पितरों में से एक ।
महत् V. n.  (सो. पूरु.) एक पूरुवंशीय राजा, जो अन्तिनार राजा का पुत्र था [म.आ.८९.११]
महत् VI. n.  एक अग्नि, जो प्रजापति भरत नामक अग्नि का पुत्र था [म.व.२०९.८]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   The family of a great man; महतसेवा Service rendered to or by a great personage; महद्वचन The promise or saying of a great, worthy, or true person. 3 Very, exceeding; as महाप्रचंड, महातीक्ष्ण.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Great, big, large. It becomes in compound महा, as महापूजा, महासोदा. When it does not change (as in महत्पूजा or महत्सेवा) it denotes the object or subject to which the compound refers.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : महतोपनिषद


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
महत्  n. amfn. (orig.pr. p. of √ 1.मह्; strong form, महान्त्f.महती॑; in ep. often महत् for महान्तम्; ibc. mostly महाq.v.) great (in space, time, quantity or degree) i.e. large, big, huge, ample, extensive, long, abundant, numerous, considerable, important, high, eminent, [RV.] &c. &c. (also ind. in महद्-√ भू, to become great or full [said of the moon] [Śiś.] )
   abounding on rich in (instr.), [ChUp.]
   (ifc.) distinguished by, [Śak.]
   early (morning), ib.
   advanced (afternoon), [MBh.]
   violent (pain or emotion), ib.
   thick (as darkness), gross, ib.
   loud (as noise), [Lāṭy.]
जन  n. many (people, with sg.), [MBh.] (with उक्थn. a partic.उक्थ of 720 verses; with औक्थ्यn.N. of a सामन्, [MBh.] ; महान्ति भूतानि, the gross elements, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; cf.महाभूत)
महत्  m. m. a great or noble man (opp. to नीच, अल्प or दीन), [Kāv.] ; [Kām.] ; [Pañcat.]
   the leader of a sect or superior of a monastery, [RTL. 87 n. 1]
   a camel, [L.]
   N. of रुद्र or of a partic., [BhP.]
   of a दानव, [Hariv.]
गण   (scil.), a partic. class of deceased progenitors, [MārkP.]
   of two princes, [VP.]
महत्  n. m. (rarely n.scil.तत्त्व), ‘the great principle’, N. of बुद्धि, ‘Intellect’, or the intellectual principle (according to the सांख्य philosophy the second of the 23 principles produced from प्रकृति and so called as the great source of अहंकार, ‘self-consciousness’, and मनस्, ‘the mind’; cf.[IW. 83, 91 &c.] ), [MaitrUp.] ; [Mn.] ; [Sāṃkhyak.] ; [MBh.] &c.
महत्  n. n. anything great or important, [ChUp.]
   greatness, power, might, [ŚBr.] ; [ĀśvGṛ.]
   dominion, [L.]
   a great thing, important matter, the greater part, [ĀśvGṛ.]
महति रात्रियै   advanced state or time ( or रात्र्यै, in the middle of the night, [TS.] ; [Br.] )
   sacred knowledge, [MBh.]
महत्   bमह॑न् &c. See p.794, cols. 2, 3.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
महत् [mahat] a.  a. [मह्-अति] (compar. महीयस्; superl. महिष्ठ; nom. महान्, महान्तौ, महान्तः; acc. pl. महतः)
   Great, big, large, huge, vast; महान् सिंहः, व्याघ्रः &c.
   Ample, copious, abundant, many, numerous; महाजनः, महान् द्रव्यराशिः.
   Long, extended, extensive; महान्तौ बाहू यस्य स महाबाहुः; so महती कथा, महानध्वा.
   Strong, powerful, mighty; as महान् वीरः.
   Violent, intense, excessive; महती शिरोवेदना, महती पिपासा.
   Gross, thick, dense; महानन्धकारः.
   Important, weighty, momentous; महत्कार्यमुपस्थितम्, महती वार्ता.
   High, lofty, eminent, distinguished, noble; महत्कुलम्, महाञ् जनः.
   Loud; महान् घोषः-ध्वनिः.
   Early or late; महति प्रत्यूषे 'early in the morning'; महत्यपराह्णे 'late in the afternoon'.
   High; महार्घ्र. -m.
   A camel.
   An epithet of Śiva.
   (In Sāṅ. phil.) The great principle, the intellect (distinguished from मनस्), the second of the twenty-five elements or tattvas recognized by the Sāṅkhyas; [Ms.1.15;12.14;] महदाद्याः प्रकृतिविकृतयः सप्त Sāṅ. [K.3,8,22] &c.
   The superior of a monastery.-n.
   Greatness, infiniteness, numerousness.
   Kingdom, dominion; 'महद्राज्यविशालयोः' Viśva; इन्द्रियाणि महत्प्रेप्सुः [Mb.5.129.26.]
   Sacred knoweldge.
   The Supreme Being (परमात्मा); बुद्धेः परतरं ज्ञानं ज्ञानात् परतरं महत् [Mb.12.24.1.] -ind. Greatly, excessively, very much, exceedingly; त्रैलोक्योद्वेगदं महत् [Rām.6.111.48.] (Note: महत् as the first member of a Tatpuruṣa compound and a few other cases, remains unchanged, while in Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi comp. it is changed to महा q. v.) -Comp.
-आयुधम्   a great weapon; नाना- विधमहदायुधनैपुण्य ...... [Dk.1.1.]
-आवासः   a spacious or large building.
-आशा   a high hope; महदाशापूर्णमानसः [Dk.1.3.]
-आश्चर्य a.  a. very wonderful.
-आश्रयः   dependence on or seeking protection with the great.
-उन्मदः   a kind of fish; L. D. B.
-औषधिः  f. f. a herb of wonderful power. On the Himālaya there are trees of the Devadāru family which have got resinous stems. These stems burn like oil-lamps. These sticks of pinewood, therefore, are the natural lamps of the Himālaya. cf. सरलासक्तमातङ्गग्रैवेयस्फुरितत्विषः । आसन्नोषधयो नेतुर्नक्तमस्नेहदीपिकाः ॥ [R.4.75;] ज्वलितमहौषधिदीपिकासनाथाम् [R.9.7.]
-कथ a.  a. talked of or mentioned by the great, in great men's mouths.
-कार्तिकी   full moon of Kārtika combined with the asterism Rohiṇī; L. D. B.
-कुलम्   a noble family.-कूपः a deep well.
-क्षेत्र a.  a. occupying a wide territory.
-गदः   fever.
   जवः Bos gavaeus.
   a kind of antelope; L. D. B.
-ज्यैष्ठी  f. f. full-moon of ज्येष्ठ under certain combinations.
-गुण a.  a. having the qualities of the great.
-तत्त्वम्   the second of the 25 principles of the Sāṅkhyas.
-दोष a.  a. highly criminal; महादोषमबुद्ध- बोधनम् [Kau.A.1.17.]
   द्वन्द्वः loud uproar.
   martial band of music; L. D. B.
-फलः   the Bilva tree; L. D. B.
-बिलम्   the atmosphere.
-भद्रा   the river Gaṅgā; L. D. B.
-भीष्मः  N. N. of Śantanu; L. D. B.
-मण्डूकः   a kind of yellow frog; L. D. B.
-व्यतिक्रमः   a great transgression.
-सिंहः   the lion of Durgā; L. D. B.-सिद्धिनिलयः a mosque (the word is used by परमानन्द in [Śivabhārata 18.52] ).
-सेवा   service of the great.-स्थानम् a high place, lofty station.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
महत्  mfn.  (-हान्-हती-हत्)
   1. Great, large, bulky.
   2. Much, many.
   3. Best, excellent, illustrious.
   4. Loud.
   5. Far advanced.
   6. Long.
   7. Intense.
   8. Important.
   9. Eminent, high.
   10. Dense, thick.
   11. Numerous.
  n.  (-त्)
   1. Kingdom, dominion.
   2. The intellectual principle, the second principle in creation.
   3. Sacred knowledge. 4. Infinity, greatness. Adv. Much, very, exceeding.
  f.  (-ती) The Vinā or lute of NĀRADA, containing seven or one hundred strings.
   2. The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.)
  m.  (-हान्)
   1. The second of the twenty five principles of creation according to Sānkhya philosophy.
   2. A camel.
   3. An epithet of Rudra.
   E. मह् to worship, अति Unādi aff. In composition महा is generally substi- tuted, being inserted in place of the final.
मह् अति महा


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : प्रबल, बृहत्, महन्, महत् उपनिषद्, जलम्, जलम्, विशाल

Related Words

महत् उपनिषद्   महत्   महत् उपनिषद   महत उपनिषद   महतोपनिषद   مہت مذۂبی کِتاب   মহত্ উপনিষদ   ਮਹਤ ਉਪਨਿਸ਼ਦ   ମହତ ଉପନିଷଦ   મહત ઉપનિષદ   മഹത് ഉപനിഷത്   voluminous   महच्   महद्   सुमहा   महच्छब्द   महद्वत्   विश्वशर्मन्   सन्तापः   वैशसनम्   महदाश्चर्य्य   महद्विल   महा अवस्थान   महातत्त्व   महापापम्   आविष्कारः   लोहमार्गसंयोगः   गुणमहत्   मह्य   माहत   काच्छप   कदनम्   महिष्ठ   महतकदीम   संव्यस्   शक्तिपीठम्   महदाश्रय   महनीय   महापौरव   महान   करमीन   विवक्षसे   आगमनम्   immeasurable   महीन   यहु   महागिरी   द्यूतम्   cramped   सुमहत्   महीयस्   huge   immense   formidable   विस्फूर्जितम्   अम्भृण   महत्त्व   निष्क्रान्त   पर्वताकार   सिन्धुर   सुज्ञ   महिमन्   आश्वास   वात्सल्यम्   heinous   palace   ऊर्जा   विस्मापन   विहायस्   वैशस   अभ्व   झटिति   महि   पञ्चमूल   might   उत्पद्   ग्रहणम्   essence   extreme   illustrious   ढक्का   मनस्यु   महत्तर   महर्षि   बत   large   great   grand   grave   weigh   श्वास   thick   lofty   loud   intense   glory   grieve   गणित   कुतस्   व्यायाम   
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