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   { yaśas }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
YAŚAS   Father of Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Mahāviṣṇu. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 16] , mentions that towards the end of Kaliyuga all people will become atheists, there will be an intermixture of castes and all people will become thieves and devoid of virtue. At that time, the 15 branches of the Veda called Vājasaneyas alone will be the authority. Mlecchas (low-class people) assuming the form of Kings will begin to eat human beings. Agni Purāṇa states further that at that time, Lord Viṣṇu will incarnate as Kalki, the son of Yaśas and Yājñavalkya's priest and after training himself in archery and weapons, annihilate all Mlecchas.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यशस्  n. n. beautiful appearance, beauty, splendour, worth, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [GṛŚrS.]
   honour, glory, fame, renown, [AV.] &c. &c. (also personified as a son of काम and रति, [Hariv.] ; or of धर्म and कीर्ति, [Pur.] )
   an object of honour, a person of respectability, [ŚBr.]
   favour, graciousness, partiality, [RV.]
   N. of various सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.]
उदक   = , water, or अन्न, food, or धन, wealth, [Naigh.]
यशस्  mfn. mfn. beautiful, splendid, worthy, excellent, [RV.] ; [AV.]
   honoured, respected, venerated, ib.
   pleasant, agreeable, estimable, ib.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यशस् [yaśas] a.  a. [अश् स्तुतौ असुन् धातोः ल्युट् च [Uṇ.4.19] ]
   Lovely, agreeable, worthy.
   Honoured. -n. Fame. reputation, glory, renown; विस्तीर्यते यशो लोके तैलबिन्दु- रिवाम्भसि [Ms.7.34;] यशस्तु रक्ष्यं परतो यशोधनैः [R.3.48;] 2.4.
   An object of glory or respect, a person of distinction.
   Ved. Beauty, splendour.
   Favour, partiality.
   An assemblage of rare merits; यावद् हि प्रथते लोके पुरुषस्य यशो भुवि । तावत् तस्याक्षया कीर्तिर्भवतीति विनिश्चिता ॥ [Mb.12.54.32] (com. यशः परचित्तचमत्कृतिजनको गुणौघः).
   An indirect fame (परोक्षकीर्ति); तपति च कीर्त्या यशसा ब्रह्मवर्चसेन [Ch. Up.3.] 18.3. -Comp.
-कर a.  a. (यशस्कर) conferring glory, glorious; साम्राज्यकृत् सजात्येषु लोके चैव यशस्करः [Ms.8.387.] -कामa.
   (यशस्काम) desirous of getting fame.
   aspiring; ambitious.
-कायम्, -शरीरम्   body in the form of fame; यशःशरीरे भव मे दयालुः [R.2.24;] नास्ति येषां यशःकाये जरामरणजं भयम् [Bh.]
-द a.  a. (-यशोद) conferring fame. (ः) (येन वायुना शीद्यते शद् अच्) quicksilver; यशदं रङ्गसदृशं रीतिहेतुश्च तन्मतम् Bhāva P. (ा) N. of the wife of Nanda and foster-mother of Kṛiṣṇa.
-धन a.  a. or s. one whose wealth or valued treasure is fame, rich in fame, very renowned; अपि स्वदेहात् किमुतेन्द्रियार्थाद् यशो- धनानां हि यशो गरीयः [R.14.35;2.1.]
-धर a.  a. (यशोधर) keeping up or preserving glory.
-धा a.  a. conferring fame; कच्चिद् यशोधा रथयूथपानां गाण्डीवधन्वोपरतारिरास्ते [Bhāg. 3.1.38.]
-पटहः (यशःपटहः)   a double drum.
-प्रख्यापनम् (यशःप्रख्यापनम्)   spreading or proclaiming the glory.-भृत् a. (यशोभृत्) famous, renowned.
-शेष a.  a. remaining only in fame; having nothing left behind except glory i. e. dead; cf. कीर्तिशेष. (-षः) death.
-हर a.  a. (यशोहर) taking away fame, dishonouring, ignominious.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यशस्  n.  (-शः)
   1. Glory, fame, celebrity, reputation.
   2. Splendour, lus- tre.
   3. Praise, eulogium.
   E. अश् to pervade, to spread abroad, aff. असुन्, and युट् substituted for the initial.
अश् असुन् युट्

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