रन् 1a or रण् (cf. √ रम्) cl. 1. 4. P. र॑णति, र॑ण्यति (2. du. रण्य॑थः, [RV. i, 112, 18] ; pf. रारण, [RV.] ; aor. अराणिषुः, रणिष्टन, ib.), to rejoice, be pleased, take pleasure in (loc. , rarely acc. ), [RV.] ; to gladden, delight, gratify, ib. : Caus. रण्ड्यति, °ते, to cheer, gladden, exhilarate with (instr. or loc. ), [RV.] ; to be at ease, be pleased or satisfied with, delight in (loc. ), ib.; [TS.] ; [AV.] : Intens. (Subj. रार॑णत्, रार॑न्; Impv. रारन्धि, रारन्तु) = Caus. (as well in the trans. as in the intrans. meanings), [RV.] रन् 1b See √ 1.रण्. रन् 2. (meaning doubtful), [RV. i, 120, 7] (accord. to [Sāy.] = रातारौ or दातारौ, ‘givers’, fr. √ आ, the sg. being substituted for the du. )