रूपक mfn. mfn. having form, figurative, metaphorical, illustrating by figurative language, [Sāh.] रूपक m. m. a partic. coin (prob. a rupee), [Var.] ; [Pañcat.] &c. -ताल (in music) a kind of measure, [Saṃgīt.] (cf. ) रूपक [cf. Zd. urupi] रूपक f. n. form, figure, shape, appearance (mostly ifc. , with f(आ). , = having the form of, composed or consisting of, similar to), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. image, likeness, [AitBr.] ; [Kathās.] feature, sign, symptom, [W.] kind, species, [MaitrUp.] इव (in rhet. ) a figure of speech, metaphor, comparison, simile (esp. one in which , वत् &c. are omitted e.g. बाहु-लता, ‘a creeper-like arm’, पणि-पद्म, ‘a lotus-like hand’ ; there are 3 or 4 varieties of रूपकe.g. the अर्ध-र्°, ‘partial metaphor’, खण्ड-र्°, ‘imperfect m° ’, and ललाम-र्°, ‘flowery m° ’), [Kāvyâd.] ; [Sāh.] &c. (cf. [IW. 458] ) उप-रूपकस् a drama, play, theatrical performance (esp. of the principal class, as opp. to the or inferior dramas; of the former there are 10 species including the नाटक or higher order of play and the प्रहसन or farce), [Daśar.] ; [Sāh.] &c. ([IW. 471] ) a partic. weight (= 3 गुञ्जाs), [L.] मूर्त = or धूर्त, [L.]