शुभ् 1. (or 1. शुम्भ्) cl. 1. Ā. or cl. 6. P. ([Dhātup. xviii, 11; xxviii, 33] ) शो॑भते, शुम्भ॑ति or शु॑म्भति (ep. also शोभति, and Ved. शु॑म्भते; 3. sg. शो॑भे, [RV.] ; pf. शुशोभ, शुशुभे, [MBh.] &c.; शुशुम्भGr. ; aor. , अशुभत्, अशोभिष्ट, अशुम्भीत्, ib.; p. शु॑म्भान, शुभान॑, [RV.] ; fut. शोभिता or शुम्भिताGr. ; शोभिष्यति, [MBh.] ; शुम्भिष्यतिGr. ; inf. शुभे॑, शोभासे, [RV.] ; शोभितुम्Gr. ), to beautify, embellish, adorn, beautify one's self. ( Ā. ) look beautiful or handsome, shine, be bright or splendid; (with इव or यथा, ‘to shine or look like’; with न, ‘to look bad, have a bad appearance, appear to disadvantage’), [RV.] &c. &c.; to prepare, make fit or ready, ( Ā. ) prepare one's self, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; ( शु॑म्भतेaccord. to some) to flash or flit i.e. glide rapidly past or along, [RV.] ( cf. शुभान॑, शुम्भ॑मान, and प्र-√ शुम्भ्); ( शुम्भति) wrongly for शुन्धति (to be connected with √ शुध्, to purify), [AV. vi, 155, 3; xii, 2, 40 &c.] ; ( शुम्भति) to harm, injure, [Dhātup. xi, 42] (in this sense rather to be regarded as a second √ शुम्भ्cf. √ 2.शुम्भ्, नि-शुम्भ्) : Pass. aor. अशोभि-तराम्, [Inscr.] : Caus. शोभयति ( aor. अशूशुभत्; cf. शोभित), to cause to shine beautify, ornament, decorate, [AV.] &c. &c.; ( शुभ॑यति, °ते) to ornament, decorate, ( Ā. ) decorate one's self, [RV.] ; [TBr.] ; (only pr. p. शुभ॑यत्), to fly rapidly along, [RV.] : Desid. शुशोभिषते ( accord. to Gr. also °ति, and शुशुभिषति, °ते), to wish to prepare or make ready, [Nir. viii, 10] : Intens. शोशुभ्यते ( Gr. also शोशोब्धि), to shine brightly or in tensely, be very splendid or beautiful, [MBh.] शुभ् f. 2.f. (dat. शुभे॑ as inf. ) splendour, beauty, ornament, decoration, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [TBr.] flashing or flitting past, gliding along, rapid course or flight, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] readiness (?), [RV.]