सव m. 1.m. (
fr. √
3.सु) pressing out the juice of the
सोम plant,
[RV.] ;
[ŚBr.] ;
[ŚāṅkhŚr.] pouring it out,
[L.] the moon,
[L.] सव n. n. the juice or honey of flowers,
[L.] सव m. 2.m. (
fr. √
1.सू) one who sets in motion or impels, an instigator, stimulator, commander,
[VS.] ;
[ŚBr.] सव m. m. the sun (
cf. सवितृ),
[L.] सवाय setting in motion, vivification, instigation, impulse, command, order (
esp. applied to the activity of
dat. , ‘for setting in motion’),
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[VS.] ;
[TBr.] N. of
partic. initiatory rites, inauguration, consecration,
[Br.] a kind of sacrifice,
[Kauś.] any sacrifice,
[MBh.] बहु-स्° a year (?),
[BhP.] (See ).
सव m. 3.m. (
fr. √
2.सू) offspring, progeny,