भूष् cl. 1. P. भू॑षति (pf. बुभूषGr. ; aor. अभूषीत्, ib.; fut. भूषिष्यति, भूषिता, ib.; inf. भूषितुम्, ib.), to strive after, use efforts for, be intent upon (dat. ), [RV. iii, 25, 2; 34, 2 &c.] ; to seek to procure (acc. ) for (dat. ), ib. ix, 94, 3; to adorn, [Dhātup. xvii, 30] : Caus. भूषयति ([Dhātup. xxxiii, 56] , ep. also °ते; aor. अबुभूषत्; inf. भूषयितुम्), to adorn, embellish, attire (Ā. also, ‘one's self’ [Pāṇ. 3-1, 87] , Vārtt. 18, [Pat.] ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv. &c.]