Dictionaries | References


   { śuci }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚUCI I   A deva (god) who was born in Agnivaṁśa. This Śuci was the son of Agnideva who was the eldest son of Brahmā, and his wife Svāhā. Śuci had two brothers by name Pāvaka and Pavamāna. These brothers had fortyfive sons. They are also known as “Agnis”. Thus there are on the whole fortynine Agnis, including the father, three sons and their fortyfive children. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Part 1, Chapter 10] .
ŚUCI II   Cākṣuṣa was a son of Manu. Ten sons were born to Manu by his wife, Naḍvalā. They were, Kuru, Puru, Śatadyumna, Tapasvī, Satyavān, Śuci, Agniṣṭoma, Atirātra, Sudyumna and Abhimanyu. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Part 1, Chapter 13] .
ŚUCI III   There is a passage in [Chapter 19 of Agni Purāṇa] which says that Kaśyapa Prajāpati had six daughters by his wife Tāmrā, who were, Kākā, Śyenī, Bhāsī, Gṛddhrikā, Śuci and Grīvā and that different classes of birds took their source from them.
ŚUCI IV   A King of the Solar dynasty. From [Bhāgavata, 9th Skandha] we learn that he was the son of Śakradyumna and the father of Vanadvāja.
ŚUCI IX   A Maharṣi born in the family of Aṅgiras. By a curse of Vasiṣṭha, this Maharṣi was born as a mortal, as the son of King Vijitāśva. [Bhāgavata, 4th Skandha] .
ŚUCI V   In [Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 14] , there is a reference to a King Śuci who worships Yama, the son of Sūrya, in Yama's assembly.
ŚUCI VI   The leader of a band of merchants. It was he who met and comforted Damayantī who lost her way in the forest after Nala left her. [Vana Parva, Chapter 64, Verse 127] .
ŚUCI VII   One of the sons of Viśvāmitra. [M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 54] .
ŚUCI VIII   A son of Bhṛgu Maharṣi. [Mahābhārata, Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 128] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : जेठ, आग, चंद्रमा, आषाढ़, गर्मी, पवित्रता


शुचि II. n.  (स्वा. उत्तान.) एक ऋषि, जो भरद्वाज एवं अंगिरस् कुल में उत्पन्न हुआ था । वसिष्ठ ऋषि के शाप के कारण, इसे मनुष्य योनि में जन्म प्राप्त हुआ, एवं यह विजिताश्र्व राजा का पुत्र बन गया [भा. ४.२४.४]
शुचि III. n.  (सू. निमि.) एक राजा, जो भागवत एवं विष्णु के अनुसार शतद्युम्न जनक राजा का पुत्र था । पाठभेद (वायुपुराण)- ‘मुनि’ [भा. ९.१३.२२]
शुचि IV. n.  विश्वामित्र ऋषि के ब्रह्मवादी पुत्रों में से एक [म. अनु. ४.५४]
शुचि IX. n.  सुधामन् देवों मेंसे एक ।
शुचि V. n.  उत्तम मनु के पुत्रों में से एक ।
शुचि VI. n.  भौत्य मनु के पुत्रों में से एक ।
शुचि VII. n.  भौत्य मन्वन्तर का इंद्र [भा. ८.१३.१४]
शुचि VIII. n.  विकुंठ देवों में से एक [ब्रह्मांड. २.३६.५७]
शुचि X. n.  ०. (सो. पुरूरवस्.) एक राजा, जो अनेनस् राजा का पौत्र, एवं शुद्ध राजा का पुत्र था । इसके पुत्र का नाम त्रिककुद् था ।
शुचि XI. n.  १. (सो. मगध. भविष्य) एक राजा, जो भागवत एवं विष्णु के अनुसार विप्र राजा का, वायु के अनुसार महाबाहु राजा का, ब्रह्मांड के अनुसार रिपुंजय राजा का, एवं मत्स्य के अनुसार विभु राजा का पुत्र था । इसके एक पुत्र का नाम (क्षेम्य) था [भा. ९.२२.४७-४८] ;[विष्णु. ४.२३.५-७]
शुचि XII. n.  २. एक विणक्दल का मुख्य, जो वन में दमयन्ती से सहजवश मिला था ।
शुचि XIII. n.  ३. एक भार्गव देव, जो भृगु ऋषि के पुत्रों में से एक था ।
शुचि XIV. n.  ४. भौत्य मन्वंतर के सप्तर्षियों में से एक ।
शुचि XV. n.  ५. कश्यप एवं ताम्रा की एक कन्या ।
शुचि XVI. n.  ६. एक अग्नि [म. व. २११.२४]
शुचि XVII. n.  ७. एक अप्सरा, जो वेदशिरस् ऋषि की पत्‍नी थी (वेदशिरस् २. देखिये) ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   śuci a S Clean, clear, pure, holy, undefiled, lit. fig.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Clean, holy.


  पु. १ आषाढ मास . २ शृंगार . - वि . पवित्र ; शुद्ध ; स्वच्छ ; निर्मल . [ सं . शुच् ‍ ] शुचित्व - न . शुद्धता ; स्वच्छता ; पावित्र्य . तैसे शुचित्व नोहें । सज्जनांचे । - ज्ञा १२ . १७४ . शुचिर्भूत - वि . निर्दोष ; पवित्र ; शुद्ध ; स्वच्छ . छंद हरिच्या नामाचा । शुचिर्भूत सदा वाचा । - तुगा २१८१ . शुचिष्मंत , शुचिष्मान - वि . पवित्र ; शुद्धाचरणी . यावरी यादव सत्राजित । परम अनुष्ठानी शुचिष्मंत । - ह २५ . ९ .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुचि  f. mfn. (f.nom.pl.शुच्यस्, [Mn. viii, 77] ) shining, glowing, gleaming, radiant, bright, [RV.] &c. &c.
   brilliantly white, white, [Bhartṛ.]
   clear, clean, pure (lit. and fig.), holy, unsullied, undefiled, innocent, honest, virtuous, [RV.] &c. &c.
   pure (in a ceremonial sense), [ChUp.] ; [Mn.] ; [Bhag.] &c.
रहः-श्°   (ifc.) one who has acquitted himself of or discharged (a duty See )
रहः श्°
शुचि  m. m. purification, purity, honesty, virtue, [Kāv.]
   fire, [L.]
   N. of a partic. fire (a son of अग्निअभिमानिन् and स्वाहा or a son of अन्तर्धान and शिखण्डिनी and brother of the fires पवमान and पावक), [Pur.]
   oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant, [W.]
   a partic. hot month (accord. to some = आषाढ or ज्येष्ठ, accord. to others ‘the hot season in general’), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   the sun, [MaitrUp.] (Sch.)
   the moon, [L.]
शुक्र   the planet Venus or its regent (cf.), [L.]
   a ray of light, [L.]
   wind, [L.]
शृङ्गार   sexual love (= ), [L.]
   a Brāhman, [L.]
   a faithful minister, true friend, [L.]
   the condition of a religious student, [L.]
   a fever that attacks pigs, [L.]
   judicial acquittal, [W.]
   white (the colour), ib.
चित्रक   a partic. plant (= ), [MW.]
   N. of शिव, [L.]
   of a son of भृगु, [MBh.]
   of a son of गद, [Hariv.]
   of a son of the third मनु, ib.
   of इन्द्र in the 14th मन्व्-अन्तर, [Pur.]
   of one of the 7 sages in the 14th मन्व्-अन्तर, ib.
   of a सार्थवाह, [MBh.]
   of a son of शत-द्युम्न, [Pur.]
   of a son of शुद्ध (the son of अनेनस्), ib.
   of a son of अन्धक, ib.
   of a son of विप्र, ib.
   of a son of अर्थ-पति, [Vās.,] Introd.
शुचि  f. f. (also) f(). N. of a daughter of ताम्रा and wife of कश्यप, (regarded as the parent of water-fowl), [Hariv.] ; [VP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुचि [śuci] a.  a. [शुच्-कि]
   Clean, pure, clear; सकलहंसगुणं शुचि मानसम् [Ki.5.13.]
   White; अथ हिमशुचिभस्मभूषितम् [Ki.18.15.]
   Bright, resplendent; प्रभवति शुचिर्बिम्बोद्ग्राहे मणिर्न मृदां चयः [U.2.4.]
   Virtuous, pious, holy, undefiled, unsullied; अय तु वेत्सि शुचिव्रतमात्मनः [Ś.5.27;] पथः शुचेर्दर्शयितार ईश्वराः [R.3.46;] [Ki.5.13.]
   Purified, cleansed, hallowed; सुतां तदीयां सुरभेः कृत्वा प्रतिनिधिः शुचिः [R. 1.81;] [Ms.4.71.]
   Honest, upright, faithful, true, guileless; सभायां वक्ति सामर्षः सावष्टम्भो नरः शुचिः [Pt.1.] 2.
   Correct, accurate.
   चिः The white colour.
   Purity, purification.
   Innocence, virtue, goodness, uprightness.
   Correctness, accuracy.
   The condition of a religious student.
   A pure man.
   A Brāhmaṇa.
   The hot season; क्रीडन् परिवृतः स्त्रीभिर्ह्रदिनीमा- विशच्छुचौ [Bhāg.4.25.44;] उपयवौ विदधन्नवमल्लिकाः शुचिरसौ चिरसौरभसंपदः [Śi.6.22;1.58;] [R.3.3;] [Ku.5.2.]
   The months of (a) Jyeṣṭha; यथोग्ररश्मिः शुचिशुक्रमध्यगः [Mb.8.79-78] and (b) Āṣāḍha; शुक्रश्चित्रस्वनश्चैव शुचिमासं नयन्त्यमी [Bhāg.12.11.36.]
   A faithful or true friend.
   The sun.
   The moon.
   Fire; शुचीनां हृदयं शुचिः [Mb.12.193.18.]
   The sentiment of love (शृङ्गार).
   The planet Venus.
   The Chitraka tree.
   An oblation made to fire at the first feeding of an infant.
  N. N. of Śiva.
   The Arka plant.
   The sky; हंसः शुचिषद् Kaṭh.5.2.-Comp.
-द्रुमः   the sacred fig-tree.
-प्रणी a.  a. sipping water.
   मणिः a crystal.
   a jewel worn on the head.
-मल्लिका   a kind of jasmine (Arabian). -मानसa. pure-hearted.
-यन्त्रम्   a machine through which fire-work is shot; वियदग्रमुदग्रमाविशन् शुचियन्त्रस्फुरित- स्फुलिङ्गकाः [Śāhendra. 2.8.]
-रोचिस्  m. m. the moon. -व्रतa. holy, virtuous.
-श्रवस्  N. N. of Viṣṇu.
-षद् a.  a. abiding in the path of virtue; स्वर्गापवर्गद्वाराय नित्यं शुचिषदे नमः [Bhāg.4.24.37.]
-समाचार a.  a. maintaining pure practices.
-स्मित a.  a. having a sweet or pleasant smile; शुचिस्मिता मध्यगता सुमध्यमा [Ku.5.2;] [R.8.49.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुचि  mfn.  (-चिः-चिः-चि)
   1. White.
   2. Clean, cleansed, purified.
   3. Pure, pious, exempt from passion or vice.
   4. Correct, free from fault or error.
  m.  (-चिः)
   1. White, (the colour.)
   2. Purification by ablution, &c.
   3. Judicial acquittal.
   4. Mental purity, virtue, goodness.
   5. Accuracy, correctness.
   6. The condition of the reli- gious student.
   7. A faithful and tried minister or friend.
   8. The month Āshādha, (June-July.)
   9. The month Jyeshṭha, (May- June.)
   10. The hot season.
   11. The passion or sentiment of love. 12. ŚIVA.
   13. The sun.
   14. The moon.
   15. The planet VENUS, or its ruler.
   16. A name of fire.
   17. A Brāhman.
   18. Oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant.
   E. शुच् to purify, Unādi aff. इन्, and the vowel unchanged; or शुच्-कि .
शुच् इन् शुच्-कि .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : सच्चरित, सरल, पवित्र, निर्मल, शुद्ध, शुक्ल

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