अभ्युदय [abhyudaya] a. a. Rising.
यः Rise (of heavenly bodies); sunrise.
Rise, prosperity, good fortune, elevation, success; स्पृशन्ति नः स्वामिनमभ्युदयाः Ratn.1 success; भवो हि लोकाभ्युदयाय तादृशाम्
[R.3.14;] [Ms.3.254;] [Bh. 2.63;] [R.12.3,] [V.5.] A festival; any religious or festive celebration, festive occasion; ˚कालः joyous or festive occasion;
[Ś.7;] प्रतिषिद्धा पिवेद्या तु मद्यमभ्युदयेष्वपि
[Ms.9.84.] Beginning, commencement.
Occurrence, happening.
Accomplishment of a desired object (which is the cause of festivity).
Thetonsure ceremony.
A Śrāddha performed on account of child-birth (वृद्धिश्राद्धम्) -Comp.
-अर्थकम् Śrāddha for prosperity or elevation.
-इष्टिः f. f. N. of a particular expiatory sacrifice.