अभ्य्-उपे 1. (√ इ), -उपै-ति (3. pl. -उ॑पयन्ति) to go near, approach, arrive at, enter, [RV. vi, 28, 4] ; [ŚBr.] &c.; (with अपः) to bathe, KātyŚr.; [Mn. xi, 259] ; [Yājñ.] ; to approach (in copulation), [Hit.] ; to go to meet any one ( acc. ), [BhP.] ; to enter a state or condition, obtain, share, [AitBr.] ( Ved. Inf. -उपै-तोस्), [MBh.] &c.; to admit as an argument or a position, [RPrāt.] ( perf. p. gen. pl. -उपे-युषाम्) Comm. on [Nyāyam.] and on [Bād.] ; to select as ( acc. ), [MBh. i, 811] ; to agree with, approve of [Daś.] (See अभ्य्-उपे-त) : Pass. -उपे-यते to be approved of, admitted, [Sarvad.] अभ्य्-उपे 2. (-उपा- √ इ), (Imper. 2. sg. -उपैहि) to approach (for refuge, शरणम्), [R. vi, 9, 39.]