Dictionaries | References ख खलु { khalu } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 खलु Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | KHALU A river of ancient india. [M.B. Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 28] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 खलु A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | खलु n. ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed, verily, certainly, truly, [R.] ; [Śak.] &c. (as a continuative particle) now, now then, now further, 34, 14">[RV. x, 34, 14] ; [TS.] &c.; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now, = Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">atqui[TBr.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.खलु ([ is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase; it is frequently combined with other particles, thus अ॑थ ख्°, उ ख्°, वै॑ ख्°, ख्° वै॑, = now then, now further, [TS.] ; [TBr.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.; in later Sanskṛt frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, and is sometimes merely expletive; it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind.p. [खलु कृत्वा, ‘desist from doing that’] [Nir. i, 5] [also °तम्] [Pāṇ. 3-4, 18] ; ii, 70">[Śiś. ii, 70] ); or of endearment, conciliation, and inquiry, [L.] ; न खलु, by no means, not at all, indeed not, [R. &c.] ]) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 खलु The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | खलु [khalu] ind. A particle implying: (a) certainly, surely, verily, indeed; मार्गे पदानि खलु ते विषमीभवन्ति [Ś.4.15;] अनुत्सेकः खलु विक्रमालङ्कारः [V.1;] न खल्वनिर्जित्य रघुं कृती भवान् [R.3.51.] (b) now, now then, now further; [Rv.1.34.14.] entreaty, conciliation ('pray'); न खलु न खलु बाणः सन्निपात्योयमस्मिन् [Ś.1.1;] न खलु न खलु मुग्धे साहसं कार्यमेतत् [Nāg.3.] inquiry; न खलु तामभिक्रुद्धो गुरुः [V.3.] (= किं अभिक्रुद्धो गुरुः); न खलु विदितास्ते तत्र निवसन्तश्चाणक्य- हतकेन [Mu.2;] न खलूग्ररुषा पिनाकिना गमितः साऽपि सुहृद्गतां गतिम् [Ku.4.24.] prohibition (with gerunds); निर्धारितेऽथ लेखेन खलूक्त्वा खलु वाचिकम् [Śi.2.7.] reason (for); न विदीर्ये कठिनाः खलु स्त्रियः [Ku.4.5.] (G. M. cites this as an illustration of विषाद or dejection); विधिना जन एष वञ्चितस्त्वदधीनं खलु देहिनां सुखम् 4.1. खलु is sometimes used as an expletive. sometimes only to add grace to the sentence (वाक्यालङ्कार); [Bṛi. Up.1.3.6.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 खलु Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | खलु ind. 1. A particle of prohibition. 2. An expletive. 3. An expres- sion of endearment or conciliation. 4. An expression indicating inquiry. 5. An expression of asseveration or ascertainment, (certainly, indeed.) 6. only. खल् to gather, affix उ. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 खलु संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | adverb प्रकृतम् एव। Ex. भोः, विस्मृतवान् खलु भवतः नाम। MODIFIES VERB:कृ ONTOLOGY:रीतिसूचक (Manner) ➜ क्रिया विशेषण (Adverb) SYNONYM:नूनम् सत्यम् अर्थतः तत्वतः वस्तुतः अव्यलीकम् यथार्थम् तत्त्वेन यथातथम् यथार्थतः परमार्थतः अनुषत्यम् अञ्जसा अद्धाWordnet:asmআচলতে bdथारैनो benসত্যি সত্যি gujખરેખર hinवाकई kanನಿಜ ಹೇಳಬೇಕೆಂದರೆ kasپٔزۍ پٲٹھۍ , حٔقیٖقَتَن kokखर्यांनीच malകലര്പ്പി ല്ലാതെ marखरेतर mniꯇꯁꯦꯡꯅ nepसाँच्चै oriବାସ୍ତବିକ panਵਾਕਈ tamஉண்மையாக telవాస్తవంగా urdواقعی , فی الواقع , حقیقتا , دراصل , درحقیقت , سچ مچ see : अवश्यम् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP