आ-√ तन् m. P. (2. sg. -तनोषि; impf. आ॑-तनोत्; perf. -ततान; p. m.pl. -तन्व॑न्तस्; perf. p. m.sg. -ततन्वा॑न्) to extend or stretch over, penetrate, spread, overspread (said of the light), illuminate, [RV.] ; ( perf. 2. sg. -तत॑न्थ) to seek to reach, [RV. x, 1, 7] ; to be ready for, wait on ( acc. ), [RV. v, 79, 3] ; ( aor. Subj. -तनत्) to stop any one, [RV. i, 91, 23] : P. Ā. (3. pl. -तन्वते; perf. 1. sg. -ततने) to extend (a texture), spread, stretch (a bow for shooting), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.: P. to diffuse; to bestow upon, [RV.] ; [BhP.] &c.; to effect, produce, [Hariv. 4635] ; [BhP.] &c.: Caus. ( Impv. 2. sg. -तानया) to stretch, [AV.]