आ a.-√ 1.दाĀ. -दत्ते, ([Pāṇ. 1-3, 20] ), ep. also rarely P. (e.g. 1. sg. -दद्मि, or -ददामि), Ved. generally Ā. ([Pot. 1. pl. -ददीमहि; impf. 3. sg. आ-दत्त; perf. 1. and 3. sg. -ददे; perf. p. -ददान॑, [RV. iv, 19, 9, or] -द॑दान, [RV. x, 18, 9] ; [AV.] ]), but also P. (impf. sg. आ-दम्, आ-दस्, आ-दत्, and 1. pl. आ-दामaor. 3. du. आ-त्ताम्, [VS. xxi, 43] ) ‘to give to one's self’, take, accept, receive from (loc. instr. or abl. ), [RV.] &c.; to seize, take away, carry off, rob, ib.; to take back, reclaim, [Mn. viii, 222] seq. ; to take off or out from (abl. ), separate from (abl. ), [RV. i, 139, 2, &c.] ; to take or carry away with one's self, [KenaUp.] (Pot. P. 1. sg. -ददीयम् !), [Mn. ix, 92] ; [MBh.] ; to seize, grasp, take or catch hold of [RV.] &c.; to put on (clothes), [RV. ix, 96, 1] ; [ŚvetUp.] ; to take as food or drink (with gen. ), [RV. viii, 72, 17 and] (perf. Pass. 3. sg. -ददे), 19, 31; (with acc. ), [Ragh. ii, 6] ; to undertake, begin, [BhP.] &c.; to choose (a path), [R.] ; [Ragh. iii, 46] ; (with वचनम् &c.) to begin to speak, [MBh.] &c.; to begin to speak or to recite, [TāṇḍyaBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] (cf. पुनर्-आदायम्); to offer (as oblations), [MuṇḍUp.] (irreg. pr. p. -ददायत्); to perceive, notice, feel, [MBh. 4.] ; [Rājat.] ; to keep in mind, [N.] ; to accept, approve of [MBh. v, 7324] ; [R.] ; [Mālav.] : Caus. (ind.p. -दाप्य) to cause one to take, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] : Desid. Ā. (impf. 3. pl. आ॑-दित्सन्त) to be on the point of taking or carrying away from (gen. ), [TS. i] ; to be on the point of taking (the hand of), [Daś.] ; to be about to take to one's self, [Hcar.] आ b.-√ 4.दाP. आ॑-द्यति, to bind on, fasten to, [AV.]