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   { ārṣṭiṣeṇa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ĀRṢṬIṢEṆA   A Maharṣi. In the [Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 159] there is a reference to the Pāṇḍavas visiting this sage during their life in the forest. Ārṣṭiṣeṇa's āśrama was midway between Badaryāśrama and Kubera's capital. Power of Tapas. In Kṛtayuga this sage did rigorous tapas in Pṛthūdakatīrtha. Owing to the rigour of the tapas he obtained all the chief vedas. He gave three boons to that sacred tīrtha:-- 1. Those who bathe in this tīrtha will get the benefit of Aśvamedha yāga. 2. There will be no fear of snakes in this tīrtha. 3. A slight effort made here, will be rewarded with greater results. After giving these three boons to the river Sarasvatī which is Pṛthūdakatīrtha the sage attained Brahminhood and entered Devaloka. [M.B., Śalya Parva, Chapter 40, Verses 3-9] .


आर्ष्टिषेण n.  कृतयुग में हुआ एक राजर्षि । तप के बल पर यह ब्राह्मण हुआ [म.स.८.१३] ;[म.श. ३९.१] ;[वायु. ९१.११४] । इसका आश्रम हिमालय पर नरनारायणाश्रम के पास था [म.व.१५३, परि १.१७, पंक्ति ३१] । ईसके पास पांडव गये थे [म.व.१५६.१६८] । यह भृगुकुल का मंत्रकार था । इसका अद्विषेण नाम भी मिलता है [वायु. ५९.९५-९७] । निर्णयसिंधु में इसका आधार लिया गया है । देवापि देखिये ।
आर्ष्टिषेण II. n.  (सो. क्षत्र.) शल का पुत्र [वायु. ९२.५]
आर्ष्टिषेण III. n.  वृद्धा देखिये ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आर्ष्टिषेण  m. m. (fr.ऋष्टि-षेण, [Pāṇ. 4-1, 112 and 104] ), a descendant of ऋष्टि-षेण, N. of देवापि, [RV. x, 98, 5; 6; 8]
   N. of a man, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] Comm. on KātyŚr.

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