कर्कट m. (
1. A crab.
2. The sign of the zodiac, (Cancer.)
3. A kind of bird, the numidian crane.
4. A long gourd: see
5. The fibrous root of the lotus.
6. The curved end of the beam of a balance, to which the strings supporting the scale are attached. 7. A compass.
8. The radius of a circle.
f. (
-टा) A plant, common- ly Kurkavali, (Momordica mixta.)
f. (
1. A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus, Rox.)
2. The fruit of the silk cotton tree.
3. A snake.
4. A water jar.
E. कर्क a Sautra root, to laugh or smile, and
अटन् affix, fem. affix
टाप् or
कर्क अटन् टाप् ङीष्