Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   kalapaṇēṃ v i To be in great pain or distress; to roll and toss, or to pant and struggle, under pain.
   kalapaṇēṃ v c Corr. from कल्पिणें and used in all its senses. 2 To desire evil for; to curse in one's heart. job i. 5.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v i   be in great pain or distress, to roll and toss under pain.


 अ.क्रि.  अतिशय दुःखांत किंवा क्लेशांत येणें ; धडपडणें ; धापा टाकणें ; तडफडणें ( वेदनांमुळे ). ( सं . क्लृप )
 उ.क्रि.  १ ( कल्पिणें अप .) मानणें ; कल्पना करणें . २ दुसर्‍याचें अनिष्ठ चिंतणें ; जळफळणें . ( सं . क्लृप )

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