KUŚADVĪPA one of the the seven islands. Kuśa island is rich in pearls. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 13] . Jambū, Plakṣa, Śālmalī, Kuśa, Krauñca, Śāka and Puṣkara are the seven islands (Saptadvīpas). Śālmalī island has double the area of Plakṣa. each island, in this order, is twice as large as the preceding one. [Devī Bhāgavata, 8th Skandha] . Kuśa island encircles the sea of Surā (wine.) Jyotiṣmān was the chief over the island. he had seven sons called Udbhida, Veṇumān, Vairatha, Lambana, Dhṛti, Prabhākara and Kapila. The Subcontinents, are called by their names. In Kuśa island, along with Daityas and Dānavas, men, Devas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Kimpuruṣas live. there are four castes of people there called Damis, Śuṣmis, Snehas and Mandehas, all of them leading righteous lives. The above four castes form the brahmin, Kṣatriya, Vaiśya and Sūdra people in the island. there are six mountains there called Vidruma, Hemaśaila, Dyutimān, Puṣpavān, Kuśeśaya and Harimandira. there are also seven rivers there called Dhūtapāpā, Śivā, Pavitrā, Sammati, Vidyut, Ambhā and Mahī. these rivers annihilate sins. there are also other small rivers there. there is a Kuśastamba (a cluster of Kuśa grass) in the island. The stamba which glows like fire illuminates the island by its light and lustre. [Bhāgavata] . The Kuśa island is encircled by the Ghṛta ocean. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa Part II, Chapter 4] .