क्रन्द् cl. 1. Ā. P. क्र॑न्दति, क्रन्दते (v.l. क्रदतेfr. √ क्रद्, [Dhātup.] ; Subj. क्र॑न्दत्; impf. क्रन्दत् and अ॑क्रन्दत्; aor. 2. sg. क्रदस्, चक्रदस्, and अ॑क्रान्, 3. sg. अक्रान् and अ॑क्रान्; अक्रन्दीत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 65] ; [Kāś.] ; p. क्र॑न्दत्), to neigh (as a horse), roar (metaphorically applied to the clouds and to wind and water), [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr. vi] ; to creak (as a wheel), [ŚBr. xi] ; to sound, make a noise, [Ratnâv.] ; to cry piteously, weep, lament, grieve, be confused with sorrow, [RV. x, 95, 13] ; [MBh.] &c.; to call out piteously to any one ( acc. ), [Kathās.] ( perf. चक्रन्द), [MārkP.] : Caus. क्रन्दयति ( aor. अ॑चिक्रदत्, 3. pl. °दन्), to cause to roar, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [AV.] ; to cause to weep or lament, [Suśr.] ; to roar, rave, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [AV.] ; to neigh after ( acc. ), [RV. ix, 67, 4 and x, 96, 10] : Intens. P. क॑निक्रन्त्ति ( Ā. °न्त्ते, [AdbhBr.] ; p. क॑निक्रदत्, once क॑निक्रत्, [RV. ix, 63, 20] ; p. Ā. कनिक्रद्य॑मन, [ŚBr. vi] ), to neigh, roar, rave, cry out, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; to creak, crackle, [RV.] ; क्रन्द् [cf. Goth. grēta, ‘to lament.’]