Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   khānōrīcōra c A thief that enters by digging. By some the word is derived from खाणें, and affirmed to mean Pilferer of eatables, a pantrythief. This is one of the words of a language merely colloquial, unreduced and unfixed by grammarians, and unillustrated by a literature, where the lexicographer can only record, and the learner must calmly tolerate, vagueness or even opposition of sense and all laxity of application. See further under खानचोर and other cases under खांड- डोह & खापरीचोर.


  पु. १ घरफोड्या . खानचोर पहा . ( कांहीच्या मते हा शब्द ' खाणें ' या पासुन झालेला , यावरुन ) खाण्यापिण्याच्या पदार्थांची चोरी करणारा ; किरकोळ चोर्‍या करणारा . ( हा व खांडडोह , खापरीचोर इ० अनेक शब्द अनिश्चितार्था योजतात .

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