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   { janman }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जन्मन्  mfn. n. birth, production (कृत-जन्मन्mfn. ‘planted’ [Kum. v, 60] ), origin (ifc. ‘born from’ e.g.शूद्र. q.v.), [RV. iii, 26, 7; vii, 33, 10] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] &c.
दृष्टादृष्टज्°  n. existence, life, [Mn.] ; [Bhag. iv, 5] ; [Yogas. ii, 12] (, ‘present and future life’), &c. (°मacc.ind. through the whole life, [HPariś. iv, 7] )
   nativity, [VarBṛS. i, 10]
   re-birth, [Sarvad. xi]
   birthplace, home, [RV. ii, 9, 3; viii, 69, 3; x, 5, 7] ; [AV.] ; [VS.]
   a progenitor, father, [Śak. vii, 18]
   natal star, [VarBṛS. iv, 28]
   (in astrol.) N. of the 1st lunar mansion, civ
   a creature, being, [RV.] ; [TBr. ii] ; [AitBr. iv, 10]
   people, [RV. ii, 26, 3; iii, 15, 2]
उभयज्°   the people of a household, kind, race, [RV.] (sg., du. and pl., ‘both races’ i.e. gods and men or [x, 37, 11] men and animals)
   nature, quality, i, 70, 2
प्रत्नेन जन्मना   custom, manner (, according to ancient custom), , i, 87, 5; ix, 3, 9; [SV.] (v.l.मन्म्°, [RV.] ), [Hariv. 15718] (दूत-जन्मना, ‘like a messenger’)
   water, [Naigh. i, 12.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जन्मन् [janman]  n. n. [जन् भावे मनिन्]
   Birth; तां जन्मने शैलवधूं प्रपेदे [Ku.1.21.]
   Origin, rise, production, creation; आकरे पद्मरागाणां जन्म काचमणेः कुतः [H. Pr.44;] [Ku.5.6;] (at the end of comp.) arising or born from; सरलस्कन्धसंघट्ठजन्मा दवाग्निः [Me.53.]
   Life, existence; पूर्वेष्वपि हि जन्मसु [Ms.9.1;5.38;] [Bg.4.5.]
   A father, giver of birth, progenitor; [Ś.7.18.]
   Natal star.
   (In astr.) N. of the first mansion or Nakṣatra.
   A creature, being.
   The people of a household.
   Kind, race.
   Nature; property, quality.
   Custom, manner.
   अधिपः an epithet of Śiva.
   the regent of a constellation under which a person is born (in astrology); होराजन्माधिपयोर्जन्मर्क्षे वाशुभो राज्ञः [Bṛi. S.34.11.]
   अन्तरम् another life.
   the preceding life, former birth; मनो हि जन्मान्तरसंगतिज्ञम् [R.7.15.]
   the other world.
-अन्तरीय a.  a. belonging to or done in another life; जन्मान्तरीयैः साम्राज्यं मया प्रापीति चिन्तयन् [Rāj. T.6.85.]
-अन्धः a.  a. born blind.
-अष्टमी   the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Srāvaṇa, the birth-day of Kṛisna.
-आस्पदम्   birthplace.
-ईशः = 2 जन्माधिप;-कीलः   an epithet of Vi&snu.
-कुण्डली   a diagram in a horoscope in which the positions of different planets at the time of one's birth are marked.
-कृत्  m. m. a father.-क्षेत्रम् birth-place.
-तिथिः  m. m., f.,
-दिनम्, -दिवसः   birth-day; सुखाय तज्जन्मदिनं बभूव [Ku.1.23.]
-दः   a father.-नक्षत्रम्,
-भम्   the natal star.
-नामन्  n. n. the name received on the 12th day after birth.
-पः   the regent of a planet under which a person is born.
-पत्रम्, -पत्रिका   a horoscope.
-पादपः   a family-tree; उत्तराः कुरवोऽविक्षंस्तद्भयाज्जन्मपादपान् [Rāj. T.4.175.]
   प्रतिष्ठा a birth-place.
   a mother; Ś.6 (between verses 9th and 1th).
-भाज्, भृत्  m. m. a creature, living being; मोदन्तां जन्मभाजः सततम् [Mk.1.6.] -a. one whose life is fruitful; अहो भोजपते यूयं जन्मभाजो नृणामिह [Bhāg.1.82.] 29.
-भाषा   a mother-tongue; यत्र स्त्रीणामपि किमपरं जन्मभाषा- वदेव प्रत्यावासं विलसति वचः संस्कृतं प्राकृतं च [Vikr.18.6.] -भूमिः f. birth-place, native country.
-योगः   a horoscope.-रोगिन् a. sickly from birth.
-लग्नम्, -राशिः   the sign of the zodiac under which a person is born.
-वर्त्मन्  n. n. the vulva.
-वसुधा   native country; पश्यद्भिर्जन्मवसुधाम् [Rāj. T.4.147.]
-शोधनम्   discharging the obligations derived from birth.
-साफल्यम्   attainment of the ends of existence; एतद्धि जन्मसाफल्यं ब्राह्मणस्य विशेषतः [Ms.12.93.] [Pt.1.28.]
   स्थानम् birth-place, native country, home.
   the womb.
-हेतुः   cause of birth, author of one's being; पितरस्तासां केवलं जन्महेतवः [R.1.24.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जन्मन्  n.  (-न्म) Birth, production.
   E. जन् to be born, and मनिन् Unadi affix, or with a final vowel जन्म.
जन् मनिन् जन्म

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