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   { jaiminīya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जैमिनीय  mfn. mfn. relating to or composed by जैमिनि (a धर्म-शास्त्र), [Sarvad. xii, 19]
जैमिनीय  m. m. an adherent of जैमिनि, [SŚaṃkar. xvi, 79]
जैमिनीय  m. m. pl.N. of a school of the [SV.] ; [Caraṇ.]
जैमिनीय  n. n.जैमिनि's work, [Sarvad. iv, 195.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जैमिनीय [jaiminīya] a.  a. Relating to or composed by Jaimini. -m. an adherent of Jaimini. -m. (pl.) N. of a school of the Sv. -n. Jaimini's work. -Comp.
-न्यायमालाविस्तरः  N. N. of a compendium of the Mīmāṁsā philosophy of Mādhava.

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