त—तस् a (त॑-) See s.v. ततस् n. bind. (ता--तस्, correlative of य॑-तस्) used for the abl. (sg. du. and pl. ) of त॑द् (q.v. , [Pāṇ. 5-3, 7f.; 6-3, 35] ), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ĪśUp.] ; [Mn.] &c. from that place, thence, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c., in that place, there, [MBh.] &c. thither, [Mn. vii, 188] ; [R. i, 44, 34] ; [Kathās.] अग्रे thereupon, then, after that, afterwards (sometimes corresponding to preceding particles like , पुरस्, पूर्वम्, प्रथमम्, प्राक्, [ŚBr. xiv] ; [Mn. ii, 60] ; [Śak.] ; [Pañcat.] &c.; corresponding to प्रथम॑, [RV. i, 83, 5] ; also correlative of य॑द् [x, 85, 5 and 121, 7; [AV. xii, 4,7 ff.] ], य॑त्र [[ŚBr. i] ], यदा [[Nal. xx] ; [R.] ], यदि [[ChUp.] ; [Nal.] &c.], चे-द् [[TUp. ii, 6] ; [Śak. v, 28/29] v.l. ] ; often superfluous after an ind.p. or after तदा or अथ, [Mn.] &c.) from that, in consequence of that, for that reason, consequently, [AV.] ; [MBh. xii, 13626] ; [R. vi] ; [Hit.] त°तः कथम् but, how is it then that? [Sāh. iii, 200/210] त°तः क्षणम् immediately afterwards, [Kathās.] ततः क्षणात् or immediately afterwards, [Kathās.] त°तः पर mfn. mfn. beyond that, [AV. xviii, 2, 32] त°तः परं n. ind. besides that, further, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 10] ; [Kār.] त°तः परं n. ind. thereupon, afterwards, [MBh.] &c. (°तश् च परम्, [VP. iv] ) त°तः पश्चात् id. , [Mn. iii, 116 f.] ; [MBh.] &c. त°तः-प्रभृति thenceforth, [Nal. ii, i] ; [Pañcat. &c.] त°तस् ततः (in dram. ) what then? what took place after that? [Ratnāv.] ; [Hit.] त°तस् ततः , from that and that place, here and there, hither and thither, from all sides, to everyplace, everywhere, [PārGṛ. iii, 13, 6] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] त°तस् ततः (correlative of यतो-यतः, from whatever place, wherever) to that place, [Śak. i, 23] ; [BhP.] त°तो ऽन्यतस् , ‘to another place than that’, to some other place, [Mn. ii, 200] त°तो ऽन्यत्र = तस्माद् अन्यस्मिन्, [L.] त°तो ऽपरम् afterwards, at another time, [AitBr. vii, 17, 4] ([cf. τότε, τόθεν]),