तर 1. an affix forming the compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. वृत्र-त॑र) of substantives, [Suśr. i, 20, 11] आम् (), added (in older language) to adverbs (See अति-तरा॑म् &c.) and (in later language) to verbs ([Pañcat. i, 14, 7] ; [Ratnâv. iii, 9] ; [Kathās.] ), intensifying their meaning तर n. ind. with न, not at all, [BhP. x, 46, 43.] तर mfn. 2.mfn. (√ तॄ; g. पचा-दि) carrying across or beyond, saving (?, said of शिव), [MBh. xii, 10380] ifc. passing over or beyond, [W.] शोक-तर ‘surpassing, conquering’ See cf. रथंतर॑ excelling, w. तर m. m. crossing, passage, [RV. ii, 13, 12; viii, 96, 1] ; [Mn. viii, 404 and 407] ; [Yājñ.] (ifc. ), [MBh. xii] तर mfn. m. (अ-तरmfn. ‘impassable’), [Bhaṭṭ. vii, 55] (cf. दुस्-) तर m. m. ‘excelling, conquering’ See दुष्-ट॑र, सु-त॑र, दुस्- -पण्य = , [Mn. viii, 406] a raft, [W.] a road, [L.] N. of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons), [R. i, 30, 4] fire, [W.] N. of a man, [Rājat. vii, 809]