Dictionaries | References न नट् { naṭ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words नट् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नट् (प्राकृ. for नृत्q.v.) cl. 1. P.नटति ([Dhātup. xix, 19; ix, 23] ) to dance, [Kāv.] ; to hurt or injure, [Vop.] (cf.उन्-√ नट्) : Caus.नाटयति ([Dhātup. xxxii, 12] ) to represent anything (acc.) dramatically, act, perform, imitate, [Mṛcch.] ; [Śak.] &c.; to fall (cf. √ नड्); to shine, [Vop.] नट् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नट् [naṭ] I. 1 P. (नटति, the न not changed to ण after प्र in the sense of 'hurting'.)To dance; यदि मनसा नटनीयम् [Gīt.4.] To act.To injure (by a deceptive trick).-Caus. (नाटयति-ते)To act, gesticulate, represent dramatically (in dramas); शरसंधानं नाटयति [Ś.1.] &c.To imitate, copy; स्फटिककटकभूमिर्नाटयत्येष शैलः ... अधिगतधवलिम्नः शूलपाणेरभिख्याम् [Śi.4.65.] (N. B. नट् forms नटयति in the sense of 'causing to dance'; नाट्येन केन नटयिष्यति दीर्घमायुः [Bh.3.126.] ) -II. 1. U. (नाटयति-ते)To drop or fall.To shine.To injure. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP