प्र-वाल f. mn. (
prob. fr. √
वल्, but also written
ifc. f(आ). ) a young shoot, sprout, new leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
प्र-वाड coral,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c. (in this sense also written )
the neck of the Indian lute,
[L.] प्र-वाल m. m. an animal,
[L.] a pupil,
[L.] प्र-वाल mfn. mfn. having shoots or sprouts,
[Dharmaś.] प्रकृष्ट-केश युक्त having long or beautiful hair (= ),