मूर्छ् or
मुर्छ्cl. 1.
P. (
[Dhātup. vii, 32] )
मूर्छति (
pf. मुमूर्छ,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.;
aor. अमूर्छीत्Gr. ;
fut. मूर्छिता,
ind.p. ,
to become solid, thicken, congeal, assume shape or substance or consistency, expand, increase, grow, become or be vehement or intense or strong,
[AV.] &c. &c.;
to fill, pervade, penetrate, spread over,
[Kālid.] ;
to have power or take effect upon (
loc. ),
to grow stiff or rigid, faint, swoon, become senseless or stupid or unconscious,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.;
to deafen,
[Caurap.] ;
to cause to sound aloud,
[MBh.] :
Caus. मूर्छयति (
mc. also
°ते), to cause to thicken or coagulate (milk),
[Kauś.] ;
to cause to settle into a fixed or solid form, shape,
[AitUp.] ;
to strengthen, rouse, excite,
[MBh.] ;
[R.] ;
to cause to sound loudly, play (a musical instrument),