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   { ruj }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रुज्   1.cl. 6. P. ([Dhātup. xxviii, 123] ) रुज॑ति (ep. also °ते; pf.रुरो॑ज, [RV.] &c. &c.; aor. 2. sg.रोक्, [VS.] ; रुक्, [MaitrS.] ; अरौक्षीत्Gr.; fut.रोक्ता, रोक्ष्यति, ib.; inf.-रु॑जे, [RV.] ; ind.p.रुक्त्वा॑, -रु॑ज्य, [Br.] ),
to break, break open, dash to pieces, shatter, destroy, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to cause pain, afflict, injure (with acc. or gen.; cf.[Pāṇ. 2-3, 54] ), [VS.] &c. &c.:
Caus.रोजयति (aor.अरूरुजत्), to cause to break &c.;
to strike upon (loc.), [BhP.] ;
(cl. 10. [Dhātup. xxxiii, 129] ) to hurt, injure, kill:
Desid.रुरुक्षतिGr. (See रुरुक्ष॑णि) :
Intens.रोरुज्यते, रोरोक्ति, Gr.
रुज्   [cf.Gk.λυγρός; Lat.lugeo.]
रुज्   2. (ifc.), breaking, crushing, shattering, [MBh.]
   pain, illness, disease, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   fracture, [MW.]
   toil, trouble, ib.
   Costus Speciosus, [Bhpr.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रुज् [ruj]   I. 6 P. (रुजति, रुग्ण)
   To break to piece s, destroy; वायुरुग्णान् [R.9.63;] शैलरुग्णमतङ्गजः 12.73; [Bk.4.42.]
   To pain, injure, disorder, afflict with disease, (sometimes with gen.); रावणस्येह रोक्ष्यन्ति कपयो भीमविक्रमाः [Bk.8.12.]
   To bend. -II. 1 U. (रोजयति-ते) To hurt, kill.
रुज् [ruj] रुजा [rujā]   रुजा f. [रुज्-क्विप् वा टाप्]
   Breaking, fracture.
   Pain, torment, pang, anguish; अनिशमपि मकरकेतु- र्मनसो रुजमावहन्नभिमतो मे [Ś.3.4;] क्व रुजा हृदयप्रमाथिनी [M.3.2;] चरणं रुजापरीतम् 4.3.
   Sickness, malady, disease; इत्यदर्शितरुजोऽस्य मन्त्रिणः [R.19.52.]
   Fatigue, toil, effort, trouble.
   A ewe.
   Leprosy. -Comp. -करa. causing pain, sickening. (-रः) a disease, sickness, illness. (-जः)कृत्या trouble; ब्राह्मणस्य रुजःकृत्या घ्राति- रघ्रेयमद्ययोः [Ms.11.67.]
-प्रतिक्रिया   counteraction or treatment of disease, curing, practice of medicine.
-भेषजम्   a medicine.
-सद्मन्  n. n. feces, excrement.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रुज्ौ, ओ)औरुजो   r. 6th cl. (रुजति)
रुज्ौ, ओ)औरुजो   1. To afflict, to disorder, to afflict with pain or disease.
रुज्ौ, ओ)औरुजो   2. To bend or break.
रुज्ौ, ओ)औरुजो   r. 10th cl. (रोजयति-ते) To hurt, to injure.
रुज्  f.  (-रुक्)
   1. Sickness, disease.
   2. Fracture.
   3. Effort.
   E. रुज् to be or make sick, aff. क्विप्; also
रुज् क्विप्;
   with टाप् added रुजा .

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