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   { vāruṇa (s), vāruṇa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
VĀRUṆA (S)   The sons of Aṅgiras. (See under Payasya).


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वारुण  mfn. mf(ई॑)n. (fr.वरुण) relating or belonging or sacred to or given by वरुण, [AV.] &c. &c. (in, [MBh.] and, [R.] also said of partic. weapons)
भूत  n. relating to the sea or to water, marine, oceanic, aquatic, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (with n. an aquatic animal)
वरुण   western (cf. under ), [AdbhBr.] ; [R.] ; [VarBṛS.]
   relating to वारुणिi.e.भृगु, [MBh.]
वारुण  m. m. an aquatic animal, fish, [MBh. xiii, 4142] (perhaps also, [RV. ii, 38, 8] , where वरुण seems to be w.r.)
वारुणि   patr. of भृगु (cf.), [MBh.]
   (pl.) वरुण's children or people or warriors, [Hariv.]
वारुण  n. m.N. of a द्वीप (See n.), [VP.]
वारुण  m. m. (in astron.) N. of the 15th मुहूर्त
वारुण  n. n. water, [L.]
   the नक्षत्रशत-भिषज् (presided over by वरुण), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] &c.
वारुण  m. n. or m. the west (°णे, in the west), [Pañcar.]
वारुण  n. n. (with खण्ड) N. of one of the 9 divisions of भारत-वर्ष, [Gol.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वारुण [vāruṇa] a.  a. (-णी f.) [वरुणस्येदम् अण्]
   Belonging to Varuṇa: साक्ष्येऽनृतं वदन् पाशैर्बध्यते वारुणैर्भृशम् [Ms.8.82;] [Bhāg.1.5.32.]
   Dedicated or sacred to Varuṇa.
   Given to Varuṇa.
   Watery, marine; जानामि वारुणाँ- ल्लोकान् [Rām.4.58.13;] पृथिवी पर्वता मेघा मूर्तिमन्तश्च ये परे । सर्वं तद्वारुणं ज्ञेयमापस्तस्तम्भिरे यतः ॥ [Mb.12.183.4.]
   णः N. of one of the nine divisions of Bharatavarṣa
-2   An aquatic animal.
   णम् Water.
   The शतभिषज् constellation; नक्षत्रे वारुणे कुर्वन् भिषक्सिद्धिमवाप्नुयात् [Mb.13.89.12.]
-णः, -णम्   The west. -Comp.
-कर्मन्  n. n. any work connected with the supply of water.
-पाशकः   a sea-monster.
-व्रतम्   summary or immediate action; cf. तथा पापन्निगृह्णीयाद् व्रतमेतद्धि वारुणम् [Ms.9.38.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वारुण  n.  (-णं) Water.
  m.  (-णः) Name of one of the nine divisions of BHĀRATA-VARSHA.
  f.  (-णी)
   1. Belonging or sacred to VARUṆA.
   2. Given by VARUṆA.

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