वार्त्ता f. af. See below वार्त्ता f. bf. livelihood, business, profession (esp. that of a वैश्यi.e. agriculture, breeding of cattle, and trade; ifc. living on or by), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. वार्त्तां-√ कीर्त् (sometimes pl. ) an account of anything that has happened, tidings, report, rumour, news, intelligence, story of or about (gen. or comp. ), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] &c. ( with gen. , ‘to give an account of, talk about’; का वार्त्ता, ‘what is the news?’) उद्दिश्य talking or talk about (gen. loc. acc. with , or comp. ), ib. &c. (का वार्त्ता with loc. , ‘what talk or question can there be about that?’ वार्त्तया-√ कृ with acc. ‘to talk about’; अनया वार्त्तया-पि किं कार्यम्, ‘what is to be done with her even in mere words?’) the mere mention of facts without poetical embellishment (in rhet. ), [MW.] staying, abiding, [W.] occurrence, event, [L.] वार्त्ताक the egg-plant, [L.] (cf. ) वाता a female monster, [Car.] (v.l. ) N. of दुर्गा, [DevīP.]