Dictionaries | References


   { vipākḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : नतीजा, दुर्दशा, स्वाद, पाचन, परिपक्वता


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Maturing, completing, perfecting. Ex. of compounds--अन्न-कर्म-ज्वर-दैव-धर्म-अधर्म-धान्य-पाप-पुण्य-फल -बुद्धि-रोग-विपाक. Of these a few occur in order. 2 Cooked, matured, or perfected state: also the thing accomplished; the product or result.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  Maturing, perfecting. The result. Fruition.


 ना.  अंतिम परिणाम , शेवट ;
 ना.  परिपव्कता , पूर्ण वाढ .


  पु. १ परिणाम ; शेवट ; पूर्णत्वाप्रत गेलेली स्थिति ; फल . ( समासांत ) अन्न - कर्म - ज्वर - दैव - धर्म - अधर्म - धान्य - पाप - पुण्य - फल - बुध्दि - रोग - विपाक . विपाक न गणोनि म्यां प्रकट आपुल्या घातकें । - केका ४२ . २ पूर्ण वाढ ; परिपक्वता . ३ कुजण्याची क्रिया ; पदार्थाचें मद्यांत रूपांतर होण्याची क्रिया . ( इं . ० फर्मेंटेशन . [ सं . वि + पच् ‍ ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-पाक  mfn. amf()n. ripe, mature, [RV.]
वि पाक
वि-पाक  m. m. cooking, dressing (= पचन), [L.]
वि पाक
   ripening, maturing (esp. of the fruit of actions), effect, result, consequence (of actions in the present or former births pursuing those who commit them through subsequent existences), [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   maturing of food (in the stomach), digestion, conversion of food into a state for assimilation, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Suśr.]
   bad digestion, [Car.]
   any change of form or state, [Uttarar.]
   calamity, distress, misfortune, [Yājñ.] ; [Uttarar.]
   withering, fading, [Śiś.]
स्वेद   ‘sweat’ or ‘flavour’ ( or स्वाद), [L.]
   (ibc.) subsequently, afterwards (See comp.)
वि-पाक   bवि-पाकिन् See under वि-√ पच्, p.973.
वि पाक


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विपाकः [vipākḥ]   1 Cooking, dressing.
   Digestion; रूपं चक्षुर्विपाकश्च त्रिधा ज्योतिर्विधीयते [Mb.12.248.1;] also bad digestion.
   Ripening, ripeness, maturity, development (fig. also); अमी पृथुस्तम्बमृतः पिशङ्गतां गता विपाकेन फलस्य शालयः [Ki.4.26;] वाचां विपाको मम [Bv.4.42] 'my mature, full-developed, or dignified words'.
   Consequence, fruit, result, the result of actions either in this or in a former birth; अहो मे दारुणतरः कर्मणां विपाकः [K.354;] ममैव जन्मान्तरपातकानां विपाकविस्फूर्जथुरप्रसह्यः [R.14.] 62; [Bh.2.99;] [Mv.5.56.]
   (a) Change of state; कष्टं बतान्यदिव दैववशेन जाता दुःखात्मकं किमपि भूतमहो विपाकः [U.4.6.] (b) An unexpected event or occurrence, a reverse, adverse turn of fate, distress, calamity; ईदृशानां विपाकोऽपि जायते परमाद्भुतः [U.3.3;] विपाके घोरेऽस्मिन्नथ खलु विमूढा तव सखी 4.12.
   Difficulty, embarrassment.
   Flavour, taste.
   Withering, fading. -Comp.
-कालः   the time of maturing.
-दारुण a.  a. terrible in results.
-दोषः   morbid affection of digestive powers.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विपाक  m.  (-कः)
   1. Cooking, dressing.
   2. Ripening, maturing.
   3. Fla- [Page663-a+ 60] vour, taste.
   4. Unexpected or improbable result.
   5. Poverty, dis- tress.
   6. Change of form or state.
   7. The consequences of actions, either in this or in a former birth; the operation or time in ma- turing their results.
   8. Assimilation of food, its conversion into a state differing from its original one, digestion.
   E. वि before, पच् to ripen, aff. घञ् .
वि पच् घञ् .

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