सं-√ वह् (cf. सम्- √ 1.ऊह्) cl. 1. P. Ā -वहति, °ते (inf. -वोढुम्), to bear or carry together or along or away, take, convey, bring, [AV.] &c.; to load (a cart or car), [R.] ; to take a wife, marry, [MW.] ; to carry or move or rub (the hand) along the body, stroke, soothe, [MBh.] (3. du. pf. सं-ववाहतुः, iii, 11005accord. to some fr. सं-√ वाह्); to manifest, express, [BhP.] : Pass. -समुह्यते, to be borne by ( instr. ), ride on ( instr. ), [MBh.] ; [BhP.] : Caus. -वाहयति, °ते ( Pass. -वाह्यते), to cause to be brought together, bring together, assemble, [Hariv.] ; [Rājat.] ; |