सम्-√ अर्थ् (in some senses rather
Nom. fr. सम्-अर्थ below)
Ā. -अर्थयते (rarely
P. °ति), to make fit or ready, prepare,
[RV.] ;
to finish, close,
[L.] ;
to connect with (
instr. ) in sense, construe (grammatically),
[Sāh.] ;
[Kull.] ;
to judge, think, contemplate, consider,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.;
to suppose to be, take for (
acc. with
[Vikr. iv, 58] ;
to notice, perceive, find out,
[Kām.] ;
[Kum.] ;
[Śaṃk.] ;
to fix upon, determine, approve,
[R.] ;
to cheer up, comfort, encourage,
[Kathās.] ;
समर्थय, often
w.r. for
समर्पय See
सम्-√ ऋ.