उत्थान [utthāna] a. a. Causing to arise or spring up.
नम् 1 The act of rising or standing up, getting up; शनैर्यष्टयुत्थानम्
[Bh.3.9.] Rising (as of luminaries); इन्दुं नवोत्थानमि- वेन्दुमत्यै
[R.6.31] newly risen.
Rise, origin.
(a) Effort, exertion, activity; मेदच्छेद- कृशोदरं लघु भवत्युत्थानयोग्यं वपुः
[Ś.2.5;] ˚शीलः
[Dk.153] disposed to work;
[Mv.6.23;] यद्युत्थानं भवेत्सह
[Ms.9.215,] effort (for money), acquisition of property. (b) Manly exertion, manhood,
[Mb.1.2.6;] राज्ञो हि व्रतमुत्थानम्
[Kau.A.1.19.] also अर्थस्य मूलमुत्थानम्
Energy. उत्थानेन सदा पुत्र प्रयतेथा युधिष्ठिर । न हयुत्थानमृते दैवं राज्ञामर्थं प्रसाधयेत् ॥
[Mb.12.56.14.] Joy, pleasure.
War, battle.
An army.
Evacuating (by stool &c.).
A book.
A court-yard.
A shed where sacrifices are offered.
A term, limit, boundary.
Business (cares &c.) of a family or realm.
Proximate cause of a disease.
A monastery.
Readiness of the army for fight; युद्धानुकूलव्यापार उत्थानमिति कीर्तितम्
[Śukra.1.325.] -Comp.
-एकादशी the eleventh day in the light fortnight of Kārttika when Viṣṇu rises from his four month's sleep (also called प्रबोधिनी)
-वीरः A man of action, one who makes effort; Mb. -शीलिन्a. Industrious;