उत mfn. 1.mfn. (fr. √ वेq.v. ), sewn, woven. उत n. 2.ind. and, also, even, or, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ChUp.] &c. इति often used for the sake of emphasis, especially at the end of a line after or a verb (e.g. सर्व-भूतानि तम् पार्थ सदा परिभवन्त्य् उत, all creatures, O king, certainly always despise him, iii, 1026">[MBh. iii, 1026] ), [MBh.] ; [Bhag.] &c. (As an interrogative particle, generally at the beginning of the second or following part of a double interrogation) or, utrum - an (e.g. कथम् निर्णीयते किं स्यान् निष्कारणो बन्धुर् उत विश्वास-घातकः, how can it be decided whether he be a friend without a motive or a violator of confidence? [Hit.] ), [Kum.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Bhartṛ.] ; [Sāh.] &c. आहो in this sense it may be strengthened by (e.g. कच्चित् त्वम् असि मानुषी उता-हो सुरा-ङ्गना, art thou a mortal woman or divine? नल), or by आहो-स्वित् (e.g. शालिहोत्रः किं नु स्याद् उता-होस्विद् राजा नलः, can it be शालिहोत्र or king नल?) rarely किम् is repeated before उत used in this sense (e.g. किम् नु स्वर्गात् प्राप्ता तस्या रूपेण किमुता-न्या-गता, has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? [Mṛcch.] ), [Amar.] ; ---14--- &c. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (e.g. उता-धीयीत, would that he would read!) (उत preceded by किम्) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (e.g. समर्थो ऽसि सहस्रम् अपि जेतुं किमुतै-कम्, thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one, [R.] ), [Śak.] ; [Vikr.] ; [Ragh.] &c. (उत preceded by प्रति) on the contrary, rather (e.g. एष पृष्टो ऽस्माभिर् न जल्पति हन्ति प्रत्य्-उत पाषाणैः, this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us), [Kathās.] ; [Pañcat. &c.] उत वा , or else, and (e.g. समुद्राद् उत वा पुरीषात्, from the sea or from the moisture in the air) वा - उत वा or उता-हो वा-पि - , either - or उत - , both - and (e.g. उत बलवान् उता-बलः, both the strong and the weak) किम् - उत वा, whether - or else. उत mfn. amfn. woven &c. see 1., 175,, Column: 2">p. 175, col. 2.