Dictionaries | References


   { kuc }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुच्   cl. 1. P.कोचति, to sound high, utter a shrill cry (as a bird), [Dhātup.] ;
to polish, ib.;
to go, ib. vii, 2;
to connect, mix, ib.;
to bend, make curved, ib.;
to be curved or crooked, ib.;
to oppose, impede, ib. : to mark with lines, write, ib. xx, 27 : cl. 6. P.कुचति, to contract, [Dhātup. xxviii, 75] ;
to be or make small, ib. vii, 3 (cf.कुञ्च्.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुच् [kuc]   I. 6 P. (कुचति, कुचित)
   To utter a shrill cry (as a bird).
   To go.
   To polish.
   To contract, bend.
   To be contracted.
   To stop, impede.
   To write or delineate.
   To mix, connect. -II. 1 P. कुञ्च् also (कोचति, कुञ्चति कुञ्चित)
   To make crooked, bend or curve.
   To move or go crookedly.
   To make small, lessen.
   To shrink, contract.
   To go to or towards.

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