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   { kaurma }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कौर्म  mfn. mfn. (fr.कूर्म), relating or belonging or peculiar to a tortoise, [Pañcat.]
कौर्म  m. m. (scil.अवतार) the अवतार of विष्णु as a tortoise, [BhP. xi, 4, 18]
   N. of a great period or कल्प (the day of full moon of ब्रह्मा)
कौर्म  n. n. (scil.आसन) a particular manner of being seated, [NārP.]
पुराण   (scil.) N. of a पुराण (on the subject of विष्णु's descent as a tortoise), [Sarvad.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कौर्म [kaurma] a.  a. [कूर्म-अण्] Belonging to a tortoise.
   Belonging to the Avatāra of Viṣṇu as a tortoise; (˚पुराण); कौर्मे धृतोऽद्रिरमृतोन्मथने स्वपृष्ठे [Bhāg.11.4.18.]
-र्मः  N. N. of a Kalpa.

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