जन्मन् mfn. n. birth, production (कृत-जन्मन्mfn. ‘planted’ [Kum. v, 60] ), origin (ifc. ‘born from’ e.g. शूद्र. q.v. ), [RV. iii, 26, 7; vii, 33, 10] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] &c. दृष्टादृष्टज्° n. existence, life, [Mn.] ; [Bhag. iv, 5] ; [Yogas. ii, 12] (, ‘present and future life’), &c. (°मacc. ind. through the whole life, [HPariś. iv, 7] ) nativity, [VarBṛS. i, 10] re-birth, [Sarvad. xi] birthplace, home, [RV. ii, 9, 3; viii, 69, 3; x, 5, 7] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] a progenitor, father, [Śak. vii, 18] natal star, [VarBṛS. iv, 28] (in astrol. ) N. of the 1st lunar mansion, civ a creature, being, [RV.] ; [TBr. ii] ; [AitBr. iv, 10] people, [RV. ii, 26, 3; iii, 15, 2] उभयज्° the people of a household, kind, race, [RV.] (sg. , du. and pl. , ‘both races’ i.e. gods and men or [x, 37, 11] men and animals) nature, quality, i, 70, 2 प्रत्नेन जन्मना custom, manner (, according to ancient custom), , i, 87, 5; ix, 3, 9; [SV.] (v.l. मन्म्°, [RV.] ), [Hariv. 15718] (दूत-जन्मना, ‘like a messenger’) water, [Naigh. i, 12.]