पटु mfn. mf(उ, or वी)n. (√ पट्?) sharp, pungent, acrid, harsh, shrill, keen, strong, intense, violent, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. smart, clever, skilful, crafty, cunning, ib. great or strong in, fit for, able to capable of (loc. or comp. ), ib. त्रि saline (cf. -) cruel, hard, [L.] healthy, [L.] वाक् eloquent, [L.] (cf. -) clear, manifest, [L.] पटु m. m.Trichosanthes Dioeca or its leaf, [L.] Momordica Charantia, [L.] Nigella Indica, [L.] a kind of perfume, [L.] a species of camphor, [L.] N. of a man, [Pravar.] of a poet, [Cat.] (pl. ) of a people, [MārkP.] of a caste, [VP.] पटु n. m.n. a mushroom, [L.] पटु n. n. salt, pulverized s° , [L.]