परुष f. amf(आ)n. (older f.प॑रुष्णी) knotty (as reed), [AV.] spotted, variegated, dirty-coloured, [RV.] &c. &c. hard, stiff, rugged, rough, uneven, shaggy, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. intertwined with creepers (as a tree), [Kathās.] अम् n. piercing, keen, sharp, violent, harsh, severe, unkind, ib. (ind.) परुष m. m. a reed, [AV.] an arrow, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Lāṭy.] Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum, [L.] N. of a demon, [Suparṇ.] परुष n. n. harsh and contumelious speech, abuse, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. the fruit of Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum, [L.] a species of Barleria with blue flowers, [L.] परुष c See under परु.