Dictionaries | References


   { ratiḥ, rati }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  रती


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
RATI I   Wife of Kāmadeva and some Purāṇas hold the view that Kāma was the son of Dharma whose father was Brahmā. But, the story of Kāma and Rati is described in the Kālikāpurāṇa as follows. Brahmā created ten prajāpatis. A beautiful lady called Sandhyā was his next creation. As soon as she was born, seeing her exquisite beauty Brahmā and the prajāpatis jumped to their feet. All of them thought in the same way. While the court of Brahmā was in such a perplexed confusion, an extremly handsome person emerged from his mind. Fish was the symbol on his flag, and he aked Brahmā thus: “Oh father, what should I do? Give me a suitable name and you should also decide upon a place and position and also a wife for me.” Brahmā told him as follows:--“You be moving about everywhere in this world (full of men andwomen) engaged in the eternal function of creation with the five arrows of flower in your hands and thus multiply the population. Your arrows will go everywhere and no one, not even the Devas will dare to obstruct your arrows. Everyone will yield to your behests. Viṣṇu, Śiva and I also will yield before your arrows. You will enter the hearts of living beings in invisible form and giving them happiness engage yourself in eternal creation. The chief aim and object of your arrows of flower will be the hearts of living beings. You will be given a suitable name just now.” The prajāpatis, who understood the wish of Brahmā, after mutual consultation said: “You emerged churning our minds. Therefore, you will become famous under the name Manmatha (he who churns the mind). You will lay low Śiva's haughtiness and conceit. Oh! best among men, Dakṣa, chief among the prajāpatis, will give you a wife.” Happily pleased at the above words of Brahmā Kāma held up in his hands the bow and arrows of flowers and decided to shoot five arrows, i.e. harṣaṇam (pleasing or gladdening), Rocanam (attracting or tempting), mohanam (deluding or infatuating), śoṣaṇam (weakening) and māraṇam (killing). He decided to use the arrows first against Brahmā and then against the prajāpatis. Accordingly the arrows shot forth and Brahmā and all the prajāpatis overwhelmed by sexual passion stared at Sandhyādevī. Sandhyā also got excited and from her body sprouted up 49 parts; 64 kalās (arts) also were born from her. She used incessantly against the leaders of the world (Brahmā and others) who were downed by the arrows of sexual passion, arrows dear to Manmatha. The expressions of Brahmā made Sandhyā sick with love. Śiva, who was just then travelling along the sky, seeing the boisterous exhibitions of passion by Brahmā and others alighted there. He ridiculed Brahmā for his display of passion towards his own daughter Sandhyā and spoke further like this: “This Kāma too is a fool. He tested his arrows here itself, he has no sense of propriety and discretion.” Brahmā was thoroughly ashamed at the words of Śiva. He perspired and swept with his hands the drops of sweat that oozed from his body. With great difficulty he controlled his passion and gave up Sandhyā. From the drops of sweat falling on the ground from the body of Brahmā were born the pitṛs called Agniṣvāttas and the Barhiṣadas, the former 64,000 in number and the latter 4,80,000. Drops of sweat from the bodies of the prajāpatis also fell on the ground and from them were born the Devas. The pitṛs called Somapās are the sons of Kratu; those called Svakālikas are the sons of Vasiṣṭha; sons of Pulastya are called Ājyapās and Havirbhuks are the sons of Aṅgiras. Brahmā, who was angry that Kāma shot his arrows against him in the presence of Śiva cursed the former that he would be burnt to ashes in the fire of Śiva's eyes, and Kāma trembling with fear at the curse prostrated at the feet of Brahmā and wept Then Brahmā said that though he would die in the fire of Śiva's eyes, he would be born again. From the drops of perspiration that fell on the ground from Dakṣa's body arose a beautiful woman, and Dakṣa told Kāma that the woman, his daughter would become famous as Rati devī. Dakṣa gave Rati Devī to Kāma to be his wife. Thus did Rati become Kāma's wife. (For the second birth of Rati see under Pradyumna and for other details see under Kāma.)
RATI II   An apsarā woman of Alakāpurī. She danced on the occasion of Kubera welcoming Aṣṭāvakramuni. [Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 19, Verse 45] .
RATI III   Wife of Vibhu born in the dynasty of King Ṛṣabhadeva of Ajanābhavarṣa. Pṛthuṣeṇā was her daughter. [Bhāgavata, 5th Skandha] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  कामदेव की पत्नी   Ex. रति बहुत रूपवती मानी गयी हैं ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
मन्मथप्रिया रति देवी रेवा शुभांगी रागलता रती
kasرٔتہِ , رٔتہِ دیٖوی
malരതി ദേവി
urdرتی , رتی دیوی , شبھانگی , راگ لتا
   See : मैथुन


रति n.  धर्म ऋषि के पुत्र कामदेव की पत्नी [म. आ. ६०.३२] ;[भा १०. ५५.७] । यह दक्षप्रजापति के धर्मबिन्दुओं से उत्पन्न हुयी थी [कालि. ३] ;[शिव, रुद्र. स. ४] । शिव के तूतीय नेत्र से कामदेव का भरुम होने पर. यह अत्यधिक शोक करने लगी, जब शिव ने स्वयं प्रकट हो कर इसे सांत्वना दी [पद्म. सृ. ४३] । पश्चात्, यह ब्रह्मा की सभा में रह कर उसकी उपासना करने लगी [म. स. ११.१३२] । अगले जन्म में इसे शंवरासुर की पत्नी मायावती का जन्म प्राप्त हुआ, जिस समय इसने श्रीकृष्णपुत्र प्रद्युम्र के रूप में अपने पति कामदेव को पुन: प्राप्त किया [पद्म. पा. ७०] ; प्रद्युम्न देखिये । अपने इस जन्म में इसकी उम्र अपने पति प्रद्युम्न से अधिक थी [पद्म. भू.१०३]
रति II. n.  अलकापुरी की एक अप्सरा, जिसने अष्टावक्र के स्वागातसमारोह में कुबेर भवन में नृत्य किया था [म. अनु.१९.४५]
रति III. n.  अजनाम वर्ष के राजा ऋषभदेव के वंशव विभु राजा की पत्नी [भा. ५. १५. १६] । इसके पुत्र का नाम पृथुषेण था ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . 2 Love, the tender passion. 3 Fondness, attachment, engagedness of the affections: also desire. 4 Coition.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  The wife of कामदेव. Love; fondness.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : रती


  स्त्री. सद्दी ; नशीब . ( क्रि० फिरणें , अनुकूळ होणें ). पहिल्यानें जुगारांत मला रती अनुकूळ होती . - बाळ २ . २ . रति फिरली , सारांश मिळाले लोक अपूज्याला - ऐपो ३६६ . [ दैवाची रति याचा संक्षेप ; सं . रति ]
   हिरे , मोतीं इ० वजन करण्याची एक बी , गुंज .
   कांहीं विषयाच्या ठायीं प्रीतिपूर्वक आसक्ति , इच्छा . कुकर्मी रति घडे । - ज्ञा ३ . ८२ .
०वंत वि.  दैववान ; भाग्यशाली . रतिवंत महाराज पेशवे माधव विष्णू अवतार - ऐपो ४३९ .
   ( ल . ) वजन करण्याचें अगदीं लहान ( काल्पनिक ) प्रमाण . सुमारें १॥ गुंज किंवा २। ग्रेन . ४ गहूं किंवा १६ तंदुल = १ रती , २४ रती = १ टाक , ६० किंवा ६४ रती = १ तोळा . [ सं . रक्तिका = गुंज ]
   मैथुन ; संभोग ; स्त्रीसंग . रतीचिया बेटा । आदळती कामाचिया लाटा । - ज्ञा ७ . ७४ .
   मदनाची , कामदेवाची स्त्री .
०रति   क्रिवि . अगदीं बारीक बारीक . रति रति मांसतुकडे करोनी । जळचरातें वोपीतसे । - नव २२ . १४० .
   विषय ; कामवासना ; कामेच्छा ; शृंगाररसाचा स्थायीभाव .
   आनंद ; सुख .
   क्रीडा ; विलास . [ सं . ]
०चळ  पु. काम ; विषयलालसा . नाहीं तीळ रतीचळ । तुझी कळा अचळ । - पला १ . ४ .
०नाथ  पु. मदन . [ सं . ]
०राय  पु. ( महानु . ) मदन . ते रतिरायाचें माराक कासी । तरि कवण विषयविरु हातवसी । - भाए ४४५ .
०युध्द  न. संभोग ; सुरतक्रीडा . - नि ८७५ .
०रोदन  न. प्रथम रतिप्रसंगींचें रुदन . [ सं . ]
०सुख  न. संभोगजन्य सुख ; कामशांति . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रति  f. f. rest, repose, [VS.] ; [ŚāṅkhGṛ.]
रतिम्   pleasure, enjoyment, delight in, fondness for (loc. or comp.; with √ आप्, लभ्, उप-लभ्, अधि-गम्, विद्कृ or बन्ध् and loc., ‘to find pleasure in’), [Up.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   the pleasure of love, sexual passion or union, amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of काम-देव, together with प्रीतिq.v.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   the pudenda, [L.]
रति-गृह   = , pleasure-house, [VarBṛS.]
रति गृह
   N. of the sixth कल of the Moon, [Cat.]
   of an अप्सरस्, [MBh.]
   of the wife of विभु (mother of पृथु-षेण), [BhP.]
   of a magical incantation recited over weapons, [R.]
न्   of the letter , [Up.]
   of a metre, [Col.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रतिः [ratiḥ]  f. f. [रम्-क्तिन्]
   Pleasure, delight, satisfaction, joy; अकृतार्थेऽपि मनसिजे रतिमुभयप्रार्थना कुरुते [Ś.2.1.]
   Fondness for, devotion or attachment to, pleasure in (with loc.) प्रीतिः परा तात रतिश्च जाता [Mb.3.112.11;] पापे रतिं मा कृथाः [Bh.2.77;] स्वयोषिति रतिः 2.62; [R.1.23;] [Ku.5.65.]
   Love, affection; [S. D.] thus defines it; रतिर्मनोनुकूलेऽर्थे मनसः प्रवणायितम् 27; cf. 26 also; (it is the Sthāyibhāva of the rasa called शृङ्गार q. v.) ससत्त्व- रतिदे नित्यं सदरामर्षनाशिनि [Ki.15.27.]
   Sexual pleasure; दाक्षिण्योदकवाहिनी विगलिता याता स्वदेशं रतिः [Mk.8.38;] so रति- सर्वस्वम् q. v. below.
   Sexual union, coition, copulation.
   The goddess of love, the wife of Kāma or Cupid; साक्षात् कामं नवमिव रतिर्मालती माधवं यत् [Māl.1.15;] [Ku.3.] 23;4.45; [R.6.2.]
   The pudenda.
  N. N. of the sixth digit (कला) of the moon.
   Ved. Rest, cessation.
  N. N. of magical incantation recited over weapons; Rām.-Comp.
-अङ्गम्, -कुहरम्   pudendum muliebre.
-कर   a.
   giving pleasure; रामो रतिकरः पितुः [Rām.1.18.24.]
-रः   a particular Samādhi.
-कर्मन्, -क्रिया   sexual union.
-खेदः   the languor of sexual enjoyment.
   गृहम्, भवनम्, मन्दिरम् a pleasure house.
   a brothel.
   pudendum muliebre
-तस्करः   a seducer, ravisher.
-दूतिः, -ती  f. f. a love messenger; रतिदूतिपदेषु कोकिलाम् (आदिश) [Ku.4.16.]
-नागः   a mode of coitus.
-पतिः, -प्रियः, -रमणः   the god of love; अपि नाम मनागवतीर्णोऽसि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् [Māl.1;] दधति स्फुटं रतिपतेरिषवः शिततां यदुत्पलपलाशदृशः [Śi.9.66;] पूर्वं यत्र समं त्वया रतिपतेरासादिताः सिद्धयः [Gīt.]
-मदा  f. f. an Apsaras.-मित्रः a mode of coitus.
-रसः   sexual pleasure.
-रहस्यम्  N. N. of an erotic work by Kokkoka.
-लक्षम्   sexual union.-लम्पट a. lustful, libidinous.
-शक्तिः  f. f. manly or virile power.
-शूरः   a man of great procreative power.-सर्वस्वम् the all-in-all or highest essence of sexual pleasure; करं व्याधुन्वत्या पिबसि रतिसर्वस्वमधरम् [Ś.1.23.] -सुन्दरः a mode of coitus.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रति  f.  (-तिः)
   1. Passion, desire.
   2. Coition, copulation
   3. A privity, a private part.
   4. The wife of KĀMADEVA.
   E. रम् to sport, aff. क्तिन् .
रम् क्तिन् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : प्रेम

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