विट m. m. (derivation doubtful) a voluptuary, sensualist, bon-vivant, boon-companion, rogue, knave,
[Kāv.] ;
[Rājat.] ;
[Kathās.] &c. (in the drama,
esp. in the
मृच्छकटिका, he is the companion of a dissolute prince and resembles in some respects the
विदूषक, being generally represented as a parasite on familiar terms with his associate, but at the same time accomplished in the arts of poetry, music, and singing;
ifc. a term of reproach
g. खसूच्य्-आदि,
[Gaṇar.] ;
[L.] also ‘the keeper of a prostitute; a catamite; a mouse;
Acacia Catechu; the orange tree; a kind of salt; =
प्राञ्चल्लोह [?]; =
विटपN. of a mountain’)
विट n. n. a house,