समस् a See ऐष॑मस्. सम्-√ अस् bP. -अस्ति, to be like, equal (acc. ), [RV.] ; to be united with (सह), [AV.] ; to be (there), exist, [Kāv.] सम्-√ अस् cP. -अस्यति (Ved. inf. सम्-आ॑सम्), to throw or put together, add, combine, compound, mix, mingle, connect, [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [Śulbas.] : Pass. -अस्यते, to be put together or combined &c.; (in gram.) to be compounded, form a compound, [Pāṇ. 2-2, 1 &c.]