Dictionaries | References


   { anyōnya }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Mutual or reciprocal.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Mutual or reciprocal.


 वि.  एकमेव , परस्पर .


   एकमेक ; परस्पर . या उभयतांनीं अन्योन्याला शिव्या दिल्या . धांवति अन्योन्यावरि ते दोघे आठवूनि अपकार । मोकर्ण ४५ . २ .
   एक अर्थालंकार . एकाच क्रियेच्या द्वारें दोन वस्तू परस्परांस उपकारक होतात असें वर्णन . यांत परस्परांनीं परस्परांना भूषविण्याचा प्रकार असतो . उ० श्रीकृष्ण रुक्मिणीला श्रीकृष्णा रुक्मिणी जशी आतां । दमयंतीस नल नला दमयंती आयकों जनें गातां ॥ - मोवन ४ . २१ . पागोट्यास डोकें डोक्यास पागोटें . नाकास नथ नथीस नाक .
   सर्वस्वीं . ( महिकावती बखर ११ . १२ ) [ सं . अन्य द्वि . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्योन्य  mfn. or अन्यो-ऽन्यmfn. (said to be fr.अन्यस्nom.sing.m. and अन्य; cf.परस्पर; in most cases the first अन्य may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the acc., inst. gen., or loc. cases as required by the verb; but there are many instances in which the first अन्य, originally a nominative, is equivalent to an oblique case); mfn. one another, mutual


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्योन्य [anyōnya] a.  a. [अन्य-कर्मव्यतिहारे द्वित्वं, पूर्वपदे सुश्च] One another, each other, mutual (treated like a pronoun). In many cases the use of this word corresponds to the use of the word 'each other' or 'one another' in English; अन्योन्यं ताडयतः Mk.9 they strike each other (अन्यः अन्यं ताडयति). Thus अन्यः may be regarded as the subject and अन्यम् as the object of the verb, as in English. The second अन्य may, therefore, in many cases stand in the instr., gen., or loc. cases; अन्योन्यैराहताः सन्तः सस्वनुर्भीमनिःस्वनाः Rām.; अन्योन्यस्य व्यतिलुनन्ति [P.I. 3.16] Sk. But there are several instances, especially when अन्योन्य enters into compound, in which the first अन्य loses all its nominative force and becomes a sort of oblique case, or an irregular compound of अन्य and अन्य, see [P.VIII.1.12] Sk.; अन्योन्यस्याव्यभीचारः [Ms. 9.11;] oft. in comp. and translated by 'mutual', 'reciprocal', 'mutually'; ˚शोभाजननात् [Ku.1.42;] so ˚कलह, ˚दर्शन, &c.
-न्यम्   ind. Mutually. -न्यम
-न्यम्   ् (In Rhet.) A figure of speech, the 'Reciprocal', in which two things do the same act to each other; अन्योन्यमुभयो- रेकक्रियायाः करणं मिथः । त्वया सा शोभते तन्वी तया त्वमपि शोभसे ॥ रजन्या शोभते चन्द्रश्चन्द्रेणापि निशीथिनी । [S. D.724.] -Comp.
-अध्यासः   reciprocal attribution of identity (अन्योन्य- तादात्म्यारोपः); जलव्योम्ना घटाकाशो यथा सर्वस्तिरोहितः । तथा जीवे च कूटस्थः सोऽन्योन्याध्यास उच्यते ॥
-अपहृत a.  a. taken from one another, taken secretly.
-अभावः   mutual non-existence or negation; one of the two main kinds of अभाव; it is reciprocal negation of identity, essence, or respective peculiarity, and is equivalent to difference (भेद); तादात्म्यसंबन्धावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिकोऽन्योन्याभावः, as घटः पटो न भवति; it exists between two notions which have no property in common.
-आश्रय a.  a. mutually dependent. (-यः) mutual or reciprocal dependence, support, or connection; reciprocal relation of cause and effect (a term in [Nyāya] ).
-उक्तिः  f. f. conversation.
-कार्यम्   Sexual intercourse (मैथुन); अन्योन्यकार्याणि यथा तथैव न पापमात्रेण कृतं हिनस्ति [Mb.12.141.7.]
-पक्षनयनम्   transposition of numbers from one side to another.
-भेदः   mutual dissension or enmity; so ˚कलह.
-मिथुनम्   mutual union.
-विभागः   mutual partition of an inheritance made by the sharers (without the presence of any other party).
-वृत्तिः  f. f. mutual effect of one thing upon another.
-व्यतिकरः, -संश्रयः   reciprocal action or influence; mutual relation of cause and effect.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्योन्य  mfn.  (-न्यः-न्या-न्यं) Mutual.
   E. अन्य repeated.

Related Words

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