अव-√ तॄ cl. 1. P. -तरति (perf. -ततार, 3. pl. -तेरुः; Inf. -तरितुम् [e.g. [Hariv. 3511] ] or -तर्तुम् [e.g. [MBh. i, 2509] ; [R. vii, 30, 12] ]; ind.p. -तीर्य) to descend into (loc. or acc. ), alight from, alight (abl. ), [VS.] ; to descend (as a deity) in becoming incarnate, [MBh.] ; to betake one's self to (acc. ), arrive at, [MBh.] ; to make one's appearance, arrive, [Sarvad.] ; to be in the right place, to fit, [TPrāt.] ; to undertake: Ved. cl. 6. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -तिर; impf. -अ॑तिरत्, 2. sg. -अ॑तिरस्, 2. du. -अतिरतम्; aor. 2. sg. -तारीस्) to overcome, overpower, [RV.] ; [AV.] : Ved. cl. 4. (p. fem. -ती॑यती) to sink, [AV. xix, 9, 8] : Caus. -तारयति (ind.p. -तार्य) to make or let one descend, bring or fetch down (acc. or loc. ) from (abl. ), [MBh.] &c.; to take down, take off, remove, turn away from (abl. [Ragh. vi, 30] ), ib.; ‘to set a-going, render current’ See अव-तारित below; to descend (?), [AV. vii, 107, 1.]