Dictionaries | References


   { āḍhya }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : समृद्ध


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Wealthy. In comp. as धनाढ्य Rich in money or treasure; विद्याढ्य Rich in learning or science; बलाढ्य Strong; गुणाढ्य Able, clever, possessing qualifications or good qualities. Also गर्वाढ्य, वित्ताढ्य, अभिमानाढ्य, क्रोधाढ्य, लोभाढ्य, मोहाढ्य, कामाढ्य, मदाढ्य, रोगाढ्य, रसाढ्य and others.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
आढ्यत्म  f  Arrogance. Repute; notoriety.


  पु. धनिक ; श्रीमान ; संपन्न ; युक्त . सामाशब्द धनाढ्य ; बलाढ्य ; गुणाढ्य , गर्वाढ्य . आढ्य कुलीनजनाचें दावी औदार्य जें वितरणीं तें - मोभीष्म ५ . ४५ . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आढ्य  mfn. mf()n. (? fr.आर्ध्य, √ ऋध्; or fr.आर्थ्य, [NBD.] ), opulent, wealthy, rich, [ŚBr. ix]
   xiv; [Mn.] &c.
   rich or abounding in, richly endowed or filled or mixed with (instr. or in comp.), [R.] ; [Pañcat. &c.]
   (in arithm.) augmented by (instr.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आढ्य [āḍhya] a.  a. [आ-ध्यै-क पृषो˚ [Tv.] ]
   Rich, wealthy; आढ्योऽभिजनवानस्मि कोऽन्योऽस्ति सदृशो मया [Bg.16.15;] [Pt.5.] 8; [Ms.8.169.]
   (a) Rich in, abounding in, possessing abundantly, with instr. or as the last member of comp.; सत्य˚ [Pt.3.9] very truthful; वंशसंपल्लावण्याढ्याय [Dk.18;] एवमादिगुणैराढ्यः Vet.; समुद्रमिव रत्नाढ्यम् Rām. (b) Mixed with, watered with; गन्धाढ्य, स्रज उत्तमगन्धाढ्याः Mb.; मूत्राढ्यैः करञ्जफलसर्षपैः [Suśr.]
   Abundant, copious. -Comp.
-आडु a.  a. striving to get wealth.
-कुलीन a.  a. [आढ्यकुले भवः ] Descended from a rich family.
-चर a.  a. (-री f.) [भूतपूर्व आढ्यः चरट्] once opulent.
-रोगः   Rheumatism, gout.
-वातः [आढ्यो वातो यत्र]   a convulsive or rheumatic palsy of the loins.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आढ्य  mfn.  (-ढ्यः-ढ्या-ढ्यं)
   1. Opulent, wealthy, rich.
   2. Abounding in, pro- ductive.
   3. Having, being possessed of.
   E. आङ्, ध्यै to consider, to meditate, irregular aff.
आङ् ध्यै

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