Dictionaries | References


   { ṛta }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ṚTA I   One of the 11 Rudras. [M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 12] .
ṚTA II   See under the word Pramṛta.
ṚTA III   This word has a general meaning “truth”. Besides, in Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 152, we see that it also means “Something obtained by begging”.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : पूजित, तेजोमंडित, सत्य, जल, मोक्ष, यज्ञ, सत्य


ऋत II. n.  (सू. निमि.) विजय जनक का पुत्र । इसका पुत्र शुनक ।
ऋत III. n.  रुद्र सावर्णि मनु का नामांतर [मत्स्य.९]
ऋत IV. n.  चक्षुर्मनु तथा नड्‌वला का पुत्र ।
ऋत V. n.  आभूतरजस नामक देवों में से एक ।
ऋत VI. n.  तुषित नामक देवों में से एक ।
ऋत VII. n.  सुख नामक देवों में से एक ।
ऋत VIII. n.  यह युधिष्ठिर के राजसूय में उपस्थित था [म.स.३१.७]


  न. सत्य ; खरेपणा . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋत  mfn. amf()n. met with, afflicted by (with instr.), [TS. v]
   proper, right, fit, apt, suitable, able, brave, honest, [RV.] ; [VS. xvii, 82]
   true, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [Mn. viii, 82; 87] ; [Bhag.] &c.
   worshipped, respected, [L.]
   enlightened, luminous, [L.]
ऋत  m. m.N. of a रुद्र, [MBh.]
   of a son of मनुचाक्षुष, [BhP. iv, 13, 16]
   of a son of विजय, [VP.]
ऋत  n. n. fixed or settled order, law, rule (esp. in religion)
   sacred or pious action or custom, divine law, faith, divine truth (these meanings are given by, [BRD.] and are generally more to be accepted than those of native authorities and marked, [L.] below), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.
   truth in general, righteousness, right, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [MBh.] ; [Mn. viii, 61; 104] ; [Pañcat.] &c.
अनृत   figuratively said of gleaning (as the right means of a Brāhman's obtaining a livelihood as opposed to agriculture, which is ), [Mn. iv, 4 ff.]
   promise, oath, vow, [TāṇḍyaBr.] ; [Lāṭy.]
   truth personified (as an object of worship, and hence enumerated among the sacred objects in the [Nir.] )
   water, [L.]
   sacrifice, [L.]
   a particular sacrifice, [L.]
   the sun, [L.]
   wealth, [L.]
ऋत   bऋति, ऋतु See p. 223, col. 2 - p. 224, col. 1.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋत [ṛta] a.  a. [ऋ-क्त]
   Proper, right.
   Honest, true; सर्वमेतदृतं मन्ये यन्मां वदसि केशव [Bg.1.14;] [Ms.8.82.]
   Worshipped, respected.
   Bright, luminous (दीप्त)
   Gone, risen, moved, affected by; सुखेन ऋतः = सुखार्तः ऋते च तृतीयासमासे Vārt. on [P.VI.1.89;] so दुःखः˚, काम˚.
-तम्   ind. Rightly, properly.
   तः A sacrifice.
   The sun (n. also).
-तम्   (Not usually found in classical literature)
   A fixed or settled rule, law (religious).
   Sacred custom, pious action. यस्तनोति सतां सेतुमृतेनामृतयोनिना [Mb.12.47.49.]
   Divine law, divine truth.
   Absolution. मर्त्यानामृतमिच्छताम् [Bhāg.1.16.7.]
   Water; सत्यं त्वा ऋतेन परिषिञ्चामि.
   Truth (in general), right; ऋतं वदिष्यामि [T. Up.1.1.1.] ऋतानृते [Ms.1.29,] 2.52,8.61,14.
   Truth (personified as an object of worship; in later Sanskrit regarded as a child of Dharma).
   Livelihood by picking or gleaning grains in a field (as opposed to the cultivation of ground); ऋतमुञ्च्छशिलं वृत्तम् [Ms.4.4.]
   The fruit of an action; एकं चक्रं वर्तते द्वादशारं षण्णाभिमेकाक्षमृतस्य धारणम् [Mb.1.3.] 62.
   Agreeable speech; ऋतं च सूनृता वाणी कविभिः परिकीर्तिता [Bhāg.11.19.38.]
  N. N. of an Āditya.
   The Supreme Spirit. (In the Vedas ऋत is usually interpreted by Sāyaṇa to mean 'water', 'sun' or 'sacrifice', where European scholars take it in the sense of 'divine truth', 'faith' &c.). -Comp.
-जा, -जात a.  a. Ved.
   of a true nature, sprung from sacred truth; अब्जा गोजा ऋतजा अद्रिजा ऋतम् [Rv.4.4.5.]
   Well-made, excellent; [Rv.3.58.8.]
-जातसत्य a.  a. (Sāy.) born for the sake of sacrifice and having true result.
-जित् a.  a. Ved. gaining the right; [Vāj.17.83.] -ज्ञा a. (Sāy.) knowing the sacrifice, familiar with the sacred law.
-द्युम्न a.  a. shining with truth; [Rv.9.] 113.4.
-धामन्   a.
   of a true or pure nature.
   having an imperishable place. -m. N. of Viṣṇu.-धीति a. Ved. of true disposition; or receiving true praise.
-ध्वजः  N. N. of Śiva.
-नी a.  a. leading in the right way; [Rv.2.27.12.]
-पर्णः = ऋतुपर्णः   q. v.
-पेयः   a sacrifice lasting one day.
-पेशस् a.  a. Ved. having a perfect shape; [Rv.5.66.1.] -m. one whose form consits of water; i. e. Varuṇa.
   प्सुः a god who consumes sacrificial food; [Rv.1.18.3.]
   one whose form is truth.
-युक्तिः  f. f. true application of a hymn; [Rv.1.61.1.]
-युज् a.  a. going to sacrifice.
-वाकः   Ved. true speech; [Rv.9.113.2.]
-सद् a.  a. dwelling in the sacrifice or truth; [Rv.4.4.5.] -m. fire,-सदनम्
-नी   the right or usual alter.
-साप् a.  a. pervading truth; steady in religious belief.
-सामन्  n. n. N. of a Sāman; Ārṣeya [Br.]
-स्था a.  a. standing right; स हि दिवः स पृथिव्या ऋतस्था. [Av.4.1.4.]
ऋत [ṛta] ता [tā] यु [yu]   (ता) यु a. Desirous of sacrifice; त्वं न इन्द्र ऋतयुः [Rv.8.7.1.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋत   r. 6th cl. (ऋतति)
   1. To go.
   2. To have power.
   3. To domineer.
   4. To hate.
ऋत  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं)
   1. Gone.
   2. Enlightened, luminous.
   3. Worshipped, respected.
   4. True.
  n.  (-तं)
   1. Gleaning.
   2. Water.
   3. Truth.
   E. to go, affix क्त.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : वीर

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