Dictionaries | References


   { jambu }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : जामुन, जामुन


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जम्बु  f. f( or ). the rose apple tree (Eugenia Jambolana or another species), [Kauś. 8] ; [MBh.] &c.
नाग-दमनी   the shrub , [L.]
नाग दमनी
जम्बु  n. n. the rose apple fruit, [Pāṇ. 4-3, 165]
जम्बु  mf. mf. (?; g.वरणा-दि) = -द्वीप, [BhP. v, 1, 32]
   N. of a fabulous river (flowing from the mountain मेरु; formed by the juice of the fruits of the immense जम्बु tree on that mountain cf.[MBh. vi, 277 f.] ), [BhP. v, 20, 2]
आढक   cf.-, काक-, गो-रक्ष-, महा-.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जम्बु [jambu] म्बू [mbū]   म्बू f.
   The rose apple tree and its fruit; द्राक्षेक्षुरम्भाजम्बूभिः [Bhāg.8.2.13.] -Comp.
-खण्डः, -द्वीपः, -पर्वतः  N. N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru.
-नदी   one of the seven heavenly rivers.
-प्रस्थः  N. N. of a village; तोरणं दक्षिणार्धेन जम्बूप्रस्थं समागमत् [Rām.2.71.11.]
-मालिन्  N. N. of a Rākśasa killed by हनुमत्.
जम्बु [jambu] म्बू [mbū] कः [kḥ]   (म्बू) कः (-की f.)
   A jackal.
   A low man.
   The rose apple tree.
   An epithet of Varuṇa.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जम्बु  mn.  (-म्बुः-म्बु)
   1. Jambu Dwipa, said to be so named from the Jambu tree abounding in it, and implying, according to the Puranas the central division of the world, or the known world: according to the Bauddhas, it is confined to India.
   2. A fabulous river, said to flow from the mountain Meru.
  f.  (-म्बुः) A fruit tree the rose apple, (Eugenia janbolana;) also applied to every species of Eugenia.
  fn.  (-म्बुः-म्बु) The fruit.
   E. जम् to eat, वुक् augment, and कु or कू Unadi affix; hence it is also written जम्बू.
जम् वुक् कु कू जम्बू


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : भारतवर्षम्

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